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1,000+ Free Vocalic R (Vowelized R) Word Lists, Phrases, Sentences, Stories, Progression Cards, Tongue Twisters, and more!

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Vocalic R Word List

AR Blend Word List






























































AIR Word List










































EAR Word List


























root beer


























ER Word List































































IRE Word List














flat tire





high wire


























OR Word List






board game






















































RL Word List

























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Vowelized R Phrases

AR Phrases

alarm clock ringing loud

army of toy soldiers

colorful art on walls

dog’s bark at night

order a drink bar

birthday card for friend

big red barn nearby

Noah’s great big ark

strumming a guitar tune

wearing a warm scarf

rocket flies to Mars

sounding the alarm now

letter R is round

candy in the jar

friendly shark swims close

strong arm to help

the wall feels hard

throwing a dart straight

the room is dark

running far away quickly

guard the treasure chest

heart beats so fast

shopping at the mart

pulling a cart along

sweet cherry tart dessert

shining bright like a star

cover with a tarp

playing the harp softly

shiny marble on floor


cooking with garlic smell

watching stars sparkle bright

working hard on the farm

picking up the garbage

park is a fun place

it feels so hard

charming smile on face

Mark is my friend

being smart in school

knife is very sharp

March brings spring flowers

the house is large

hitting the target well

talking at the parlor

an artist paints beautifully

cleaning out the garage

time to depart now

harvest time for crops

drawing a chart today

big boat is a barge

delivering a parcel here

Marshal leads the parade

watching the spark fly

blood flows through the artery

Lamar plays the trumpet

sonar helps find fish

scoring a par in golf

visiting the bazaar today

using the radar well

AIR Phrases

Bear in the woods.

Sit on the chair.

Pick a cherry pie.

Go to the fair.

Talk to the parrot.

Draw an arrow straight.

Brush your hair daily.

The sheriff rides fast.

Slice a pear carefully.

Where are my shoes?

Run barefoot on grass.

They got married today.

The box is square.

The fair is fun.

Let’s share our toys.

I have a pair.

That is a rare find.

The wheelchair is blue.

I drink dairy milk.

I like carrot sticks.

The berry is sweet.

The ferry sails smoothly.

Feel the fresh air.



Don’t stare at me.

Turn up the stereo.

I love asparagus soup.

Jump from the parachute.

His hair is messy.

Bury the treasure deep.

The flare lights up.

I declare a game.

She runs fairly fast.

Look at the aerial view.

Repair the broken toy.

Terry loves to skate.

The barrier is high.

The blueberry tastes delicious.

The caribou is running.

I live in Arizona.

Use the dictionary now.

January is so cold.

Staring at the stars.

Caring for my friend.

Take care of that.

I dare you now.

My parents are here.

ER Phrases

earth is our home

wear your favorite shirt

let’s learn something new

the fern is green

the herd grazes peacefully

turn around and smile

happy birthday to you

the earthquake shook everything

I love turkey dinner

use scissors to cut

the lizard is fast

my teacher is kind

the tower is tall

read the newspaper daily

I write in cursive

a mixture of colors

whisper softly in class

the spider spins webs

I will never quit

butter makes everything better

stir the soup carefully

the dirt is brown

send a letter today

wear your cozy sweater

paper comes from trees

the flower is pretty

the cat has fur

the skirt is pink

the first day was fun

the mermaid swims gracefully

the battery needs charging

let’s have dinner together

this is my concern

we work together as friends

her smile is bright

sir, may I help?

I will try harder

the weather is nice

pour water in the cup

the server brings food

the center is quiet

I’m a good player

the speaker tells stories

he is an expert

there are fewer people

I am eager to learn

the chocolate is bitter

the tether keeps it safe

enjoy fresh apple cider

I will not suffer

push the lever down

the storm is dangerous

let’s wander through the park

the racer is fast

one century is long

this toy is durable

the hurricane was strong

I want to visit Peru

EAR Phrases

ear to listen

deer in the woods

no fear at all

lunch in cafeteria

sparkling chandelier

aboveend of period

fun souvenir from vacation

sports gear for games

hear the loud cheer

brave hero saves everyone

number zero is nothing

cool gear for sports

that’s a weird joke

happy new year!

jeer at the bad play

hear sounds from near

cereal for breakfast today

look in the mirror

tall pyramid in Egypt

walk to the pier

cheer for your team

make it disappear fast

let’s tear the paper

the movie’s premier is tonight

brave pioneer in history

enjoy root beer floats

shiny earring on display

throw the spear safely

wipe away your tears

round sphere rolls easily

don’t smear the paint

cashier counts the change

steer the car gently

check the mirror again

make flowers appear here

smart engineer builds things

great career ahead for you

help as a volunteer

overhear the funny story

watch the stars reappear

explore the new frontier

severe storm is coming

we revere our heroes

mysterious noise at night

furious dog barks loudly

come sit near me

the sky is clear





IRE Phrases

tire swing

campfire fun

fire truck

wire fence

expire soon

umpire rules

firefighter brave

choir practice

flier design

tired puppy

vampire story

liar revealed

sapphire ring

flat tire

Ireland trip

dire situation

buyer’s market

hire help

high wire act

iron gate

dryer sheets 

strong desire

inspire others

dire need

higher place

entire class

spire tower

time to retire

admire nature

require effort

quagmire mess

prior knowledge

firewood stack

inquire politely

siren sounds

fryer chicken

great empire

diary entries

pliers tool

extra tires

royal sire

OAR Phrases

doorbell rings at home

row your oar gently

four friends played together

they built a fort

the knight has a sword

let’s play a board game

untangle the cord quickly

the apple’s core is brown

doing chores is important

explore the dark forest

we sailed to port

North is that way

let’s keep score together

a dinosaur is huge

the orange is juicy

morning is my favorite

I found a horseshoe

the tornado caused damage

let’s go to the store

an orca swims fast

I love an Oreo

Oregon has beautiful trees

read a fun story

I enjoy playing sports

popcorn pops in the pot

the storm raged outside

the thorn pricked my finger

the organ sounds lovely


I want more cookies

I was born to sing

the horn played loudly

my shirt is short

I will report this

let’s meet before lunch

don’t ignore the rules

neither my brother nor I

place your order here

the lion’s roar is loud

my knee feels sore

that was a horrible fall

birds soar in the sky

the room had nice decor

they wanted to glorify her

the sun sets on the horizon

that answer is incorrect

Korea has many traditions

water will evaporate quickly

I wear shorts in summer

forty students are present

the corn is sweet

I was born here

the cat sleeps on the floor

you can choose or decide

I made origami birds

please pour the juice



RL Phrases

girl in the world

twirl and swirl

shiny pearl necklace

silly squirrel jumps

natural wonders abound

Carl and Carla play

early morning sunshine

airline tickets ready


spiral staircase design

plural words are fun

colorful coral reef

cowgirl rides her horse

whirlpool in the river

Earl found a pearl

gentle touch on earlobe

barrel full of apples

curl up with blanket




AR Sentences

The alarm rang loudly at six o’clock.

The army marched proudly through the town.

She painted beautiful art for the gallery.

The dog gave a loud bark at night.

I ordered a drink at the bar.

He received a birthday card from his friends.

The big red barn stood in the field.

Noah built a huge ark for the animals.

I learned to play the guitar last year.

She wore a cozy scarf around her neck.

The rocket is headed to Mars this time.

The alarm went off during the meeting.

The letter R is my favorite letter.

I found a cookie in the jar.

The shark swam quickly near the boat.

He flexed his arm after lifting weights.

The rock feels very hard to touch.

I threw a dart at the board.

It was too dark to see anything.

He ran far away from the noise.

We need to guard the treasure carefully.

My heart races when I run fast.

I bought snacks at the mart yesterday.

She pushed the cart through the store.

The pie was sweet and tasted like tart.

The shining star lit up the night sky.

We covered the furniture with a tarp.

He played a lovely tune on the harp.

I found a marble under the couch.

The garlic made the food smell amazing.

The stars sparkle brightly in the sky.

We worked hard on the family farm.

He picked up the garbage from the ground.

The park is a great place to play.

That math problem is really hard to solve.

She wore a charm bracelet for luck.

Mark loves to play basketball with friends.

Being smart helps you learn new things.

The knife has a very sharp edge.

March is the month when flowers bloom.

The house is large and spacious inside.

He aimed carefully at the target on the wall.

We talked at the parlor about stories.

The artist created a mural on the wall.

The garage is full of old tools.

We will depart for vacation tomorrow morning.

It’s time to harvest the ripe vegetables.

I drew a chart showing my progress.

The barge floated down the river slowly.

I received a parcel in the mail today.

Marshal will lead the parade this weekend.

I saw a spark fly from the fire.

Blood travels through the artery in the body.

Lamar plays soccer every Saturday with friends.

Sonar helps locate ships and submarines underwater.

He scored a par on the last hole.

We visited the bazaar for some unique items.

The radar detected a storm approaching the coast.

I watched Avatar with my family last weekend.

The door was left ajar after they left.

AIR Sentences

The bear walked through the forest quietly.

I sat on the chair by the window.

She picked a bright cherry from the tree.

We went to the fair on Saturday.

The parrot talked in a funny voice.

He shot the arrow straight at the target.

My hair gets tangled when it’s windy.

The sheriff helps keep our town safe.

I enjoyed eating a juicy pear today.

Where did you put my backpack, please?

I like to run barefoot on the grass.

They got married in a beautiful garden.

The box is a perfect square shape.

The fair had games and delicious food.

Let’s share our snacks during the movie.

I found a pair of lost shoes.

That gem is a rare treasure indeed.

He uses a wheelchair to get around.

I drink dairy milk with my breakfast.

I want a crunchy carrot for lunch.

The berry bush is full of ripe fruit.

The ferry crosses the river every hour.

I love to breathe in fresh air.

My parents are coming to visit today.

She was staring at the stars above.

He is very caring towards his friends.

Always take care of your little brother.

I dare you to jump over that puddle.

Don’t stare too long at the sun.

Turn up the stereo, it’s too quiet!

I like to eat asparagus with dinner.

She jumped from the parachute with excitement.

His hair is too long and messy now.

We will bury the time capsule today.

The flare lit up the night sky bright.

I declare today to be a fun day!

She runs fairly fast during the races.

We saw an aerial view of the city.

We need to repair the broken fence.

Terry likes to play soccer on weekends.

The barrier stopped the cars from passing.

The blueberry muffins smelled delicious when baking.

We saw a caribou in the distance.

My family lives in Arizona during winter.

I found a word in the dictionary.

January is the coldest month of the year.

ER Sentences

The earth spins around the sun every year.

I need to wear my favorite shirt today.

We can learn new things every single day.

The fern grows green near the riverbank.

The herd of cows grazes in the field.

Please turn off the lights when leaving.

I celebrated my birthday with friends and cake.

The earthquake shook the ground under our feet.

We are having turkey for dinner tonight.

Use scissors to cut the paper carefully.

The lizard climbed quickly up the tall rock.

My teacher gives us fun assignments each week.

The tower stands tall against the blue sky.

I read the newspaper to learn about events.

Writing in cursive can be a fun skill.

The mixture of colors made a beautiful painting.

Please whisper during the quiet reading time.

The spider spun a web in the corner.

I will never forget this amazing adventure.

Butter makes the popcorn taste so much better.

Be careful not to hurt your friends.

Stir the soup until it is warm enough.

The dirt on my shoes is really messy.

I wrote a letter to my grandma yesterday.

She wore a warm sweater in winter.

This paper is perfect for my drawing.

The flower in the garden is blooming beautifully.

The cat’s fur is soft and fluffy today.

She wore a skirt that matched her top.

The first day of school is always exciting.

The tiger roamed through the tall grass.

The turtle walked slowly across the sandy beach.

The mermaid swam gracefully in the sparkling water.

The battery needs to be charged for use.

We will have dinner together as a family.

This is my main concern about the project.

Let’s work together to finish this homework.

Her smile brightens everyone’s day like sunshine.

“Sir, may I help you with something?”

I will read one book per week.

The weather today is perfect for a picnic.

Please pour some water into the glass.

The server brought our food very quickly.

The center of the room is very quiet.

He is an excellent player on the team.

The speaker told a funny story today.

She is an expert in science and math.

There are fewer kids in the playground today.

I am eager to start my new project.

The chocolate tasted bitter, but it was good.

The tether kept the dog safe in the yard.

We enjoyed warm apple cider during fall.

They will not suffer if they work together.

Pull the lever to open the gate slowly.

That storm was dangerous for the town last night.

We like to wander through the beautiful park.

The racer ran faster than everyone else today.

One century is a long period of time.

This backpack is very durable and long-lasting.

The hurricane caused a lot of damage last year.

I want to visit Peru during summer vacation.

EAR Sentences

The doctor checked my ear for any issues.

A deer jumped over the tall wooden fence.

She had no fear when climbing the tree.

We eat lunch in the school cafeteria daily.

The chandelier sparkled brightly in the dining room.

Each period in school lasts about fifty minutes.

I bought a souvenir from my summer trip.

He wore special gear for the football game.

Some kids jeer when they see the losing team.

The hero saved the day in the story.

Zero is a number that means nothing at all.

The soccer gear was all packed in bags.

That movie had a weird ending that surprised everyone.

This year, we are going to the beach.

I heard them jeer at the bad performance.

Can you hear the birds singing nearby?

She loves eating cereal for breakfast every day.

Look in the mirror to check your hair.

The pyramid in Egypt is very famous and old.

We walked to the pier to see the boats.

The crowd began to cheer for their team.

Watch the magic trick and make it disappear!

She is a brave pioneer in the new land.

I love drinking root beer on hot days.

Her shiny earring caught everyone’s attention at school.

Be careful when you throw that spear at targets.

Tears rolled down her cheeks during the sad movie.

The sphere rolled smoothly across the floor.

Do not smear the paint on the canvas.

The cashier counted the money from the customers.

He learned to steer the bike very quickly.

Look in the mirror to see your reflection.

Make the flowers appear in the garden today.

The engineer designed a new bridge for cars.

She dreams of a career in medicine someday.

Many students volunteer at the animal shelter weekly.

I overheard them talking about the surprise party.

The stars will reappear when the sun sets.

We explored the new frontier in science together.

The severe storm caused power outages in town.

We all revere our teachers for their hard work.

A mysterious noise came from the dark hallway.

The furious cat ran away from the loud dog.

Please come sit near me during lunch.

The sky looks very clear today, so pretty.

Do not tear the paper when wrapping gifts.

The movie’s premier was a big success last night.

IRE Sentences

The tire on my bike needs to be fixed.

The campfire crackled as we roasted marshmallows.

The firefighter bravely entered the burning building.

I saw a flier for the school talent show.

The vampire in the movie scared everyone watching.

He was a liar and told many stories.

She wore a beautiful sapphire necklace at the party.

We had a flat tire on our road trip.

My family traveled to Ireland last summer for vacation.

There was a dire need for more volunteers today.

The buyer wanted to negotiate a lower price.

I need to hire someone to help me clean.

The circus performer walked across the high wire.

The iron gate at the park looks old.

The dryer is making a strange noise again.

I love fried chicken cooked in the fryer.

The Roman Empire was known for its power.

I wrote in my diary every single day.

The pliers helped me fix the broken toy.

I need to buy new tires for my car.

The king’s sire was known for his wisdom.

My desire to help others makes me happy.

I hope to inspire my friends to read.

We faced a dire situation in the storm.

I want to reach a higher level in school.

The entire class enjoyed the field trip together.

The church’s spire reached high into the sky.

I will retire when I turn sixty-five years old.

We admire the beauty of nature every day.

Some projects require a lot of hard work.

He got stuck in a quagmire while hiking.

I had prior knowledge of the math test.

We chopped firewood to keep warm this winter.

I will inquire about the lost puppy tomorrow.

The siren blared loudly during the emergency.

OAR Sentences

The door opened with a loud creak.

She used an oar to paddle the boat.

There are four cookies left in the jar.

They built a fort out of pillows.

The knight raised his sword in victory.

Let’s play a board game tonight together.

I found a tangled cord in the drawer.

The apple’s core is not very tasty.

Doing a chore is part of helping.

We walked through the dark forest today.

The ship sailed into the busy port.

The North wind blew fiercely last night.

Let’s keep score during the game, okay?

The dinosaur roared loudly in the movie.

I peeled an orange for my snack.

Morning sunlight brightened up the entire room.

I found a lucky horseshoe by the road.

The tornado damaged many houses in town.

We need to go to the store now.

An orca swam gracefully through the ocean.

I love eating an Oreo after dinner.

Oregon has many beautiful parks to explore.

She read a fascinating story about adventure.

Playing sports keeps me healthy and happy.

Popcorn popped loudly in the microwave.

The storm made the night very scary.

A thorn pricked my finger while gardening.

The organ played a beautiful melody today.

I made origami animals from colorful paper.

Please pour me a glass of water.

I wear shorts when it’s warm outside.

There are forty students in our class.

I planted corn in the garden this year.

I was born in a small town.

The cat sleeps on the floor every day.

Do you want to play or read?

I would like more ice cream, please.

I was born to sing and dance.

The horn sounded loudly during the parade.

My shirt is too short for me now.

I will report my findings to the teacher.

Let’s meet before the game starts, okay?

Do not ignore the instructions, please.

Neither my sister nor I like carrots.

Can you place your order here, please?

The lion’s roar echoed across the savanna.

My knee feels sore after playing soccer.

That was a horrible mistake I made.

Birds love to soar high in the sky.

The room had bright and cheerful decor.

We want to glorify the hardworking volunteers.

The sun sets below the horizon each evening.

That answer is incorrect; please try again.

Korea has many rich traditions and cultures.

Water will evaporate when heated to boiling.

RL Sentences

The girl twirled in the sunny world.

Squirrels love to swirl around trees.

Carl found a beautiful pearl on the beach.

Carla saw a squirrel near the natural park.

The early morning light made everything sparkle.

An airline flight took us to Oregon.

The barrel was full of colorful curls.

We watched a spiral of smoke rise up.

Plural nouns can be tricky for some students.

The coral reef is home to many fish.

The cowgirl rode her horse across the prairie.

The whirlpool in the river spun rapidly.

Earl wore a shiny pearl earring today.

She touched her earlobe while thinking deeply.

Vocalic R Stories

AR Story

Once upon a time, there was a shark named Mark who lived on an ark floating in a sparkling sea. Every morning, the alarm on his jar of garbage would ring, waking him up with a start. Mark loved to eat garbage more than anything else, and he was always searching for the best scraps to munch on. Sometimes, he would swim far from the ark to a nearby farm, where he found delicious leftovers after harvest time.

Mark had many friends, including a smart parrot named Lamar and a playful dog who liked to bark. They would prance around the ark, enjoying the bright sun and the large waves. One day, while Mark was strumming his guitar and watching the stars twinkle above, he spotted a shiny item in the water. “That must be a treasure!” he thought, and he quickly grabbed his sharp dart to investigate.

As night fell, the dark sky covered the sea, and Mark felt a tug in his heart. He wanted to guard his treasure and share it with his friends. They gathered around, excited to see what Mark had found. It turned out to be a beautiful marble that sparkled like a star! They all agreed it was a prize worth celebrating, and together they enjoyed a feast of their favorite foods, leaving a little room for dessert—a sweet tart made from fruit scraps! Mark was proud of his find and felt grateful for his friends who always supported him.

AIR Story

In the sunny state of Arizona, there lived a sheriff named Terry. Every morning, Terry would sit in his favorite chair and enjoy a delicious breakfast of asparagus and cherries. His pet parrot, a bright and chatty bird, loved to perch on the back of the chair while staring at Terry’s plate. One day, as Terry savored a sweet cherry, he noticed the sky turning dark. “I dare you to fly around the yard!” he said to his parrot, who responded with a cheerful squawk.

After breakfast, Terry decided to patrol the nearby fair, where families gathered for fun. As he walked barefoot across the warm ground, he spotted a pair of children playing with a balloon. “Where are your parents?” he asked, caring for their safety. They pointed towards a booth with colorful banners. Terry smiled and shared a cherry with his parrot, who happily mimicked the fair sounds in the air. They continued their stroll, enjoying the fair’s excitement and the aroma of fresh berries.

Later that evening, Terry declared it time for a relaxing dinner. He prepared a meal with carrots and dairy for himself, while his parrot enjoyed some berries. Sitting on the square porch, Terry watched the sunset while his parrot sang sweet melodies. “Life is truly fair when I’m with you,” he said, feeling grateful for his furry friend. Together, they enjoyed their meal and cherished the peaceful Arizona night, surrounded by the stars and fresh air.

ER Story

In the vibrant land of Peru, a friendly turkey named Tom and a clever spider named Sylvia lived happily among the colorful flowers and towering trees. One sunny day, while wearing his favorite shirt, Tom turned to Sylvia and said, “I heard our friend, the mermaid, is missing! We must find her!” Sylvia nodded eagerly, her tiny legs moving swiftly as they set off on their adventure. They knew they could learn a lot about the dangers they might face in the thick jungle and the sparkling rivers ahead.

As they wandered deeper into the forest, they stumbled upon a fern-covered hill where they could see a herd of llamas grazing peacefully. Tom whispered to Sylvia, “Look at those llamas! They could help us.” The spider scurried closer, preparing to ask them for directions. Suddenly, a gentle breeze rustled the leaves, and they heard the distant sound of water splashing, which made them even more eager to find their friend. Tom had a concern about whether the river would be too deep for them, but Sylvia reassured him, “We can stick together and be careful.”

After a while, they reached a beautiful river where they spotted a shiny figure swimming gracefully. “There’s our friend!” Tom exclaimed, flapping his wings in delight. The mermaid waved, her shimmering tail sparkling in the sunlight. They gathered at the riverbank, where Tom shared a delicious dinner of berries and butter with Sylvia and the mermaid. As they chatted and laughed, they promised to always be there for each other, no matter what adventures lay ahead. They had learned that together, they could face anything, and their friendship would last a lifetime.

EAR Story

In a magical forest, there lived a deer named Deary. Deary was no ordinary deer; he had a special talent that made him a hero among his friends. With just a flick of his ear, he could make cereal appear out of nowhere! The other animals were amazed and gathered near him each day. They would cheer and share their favorite flavors while Deary performed his amazing trick. The chandelier of stars above twinkled like a giant mirror, reflecting their joy.

One sunny year, the animals faced a severe problem. The cafeteria had run out of food, and everyone was filled with fear. Some animals even began to jeer, worried they wouldn’t eat. But Deary remained calm and decided to use his gift. He closed his eyes and concentrated, hoping to produce delicious cereal. Suddenly, colorful cereal began to appear like magic! The other animals watched in awe, their previous worries disappearing as they filled their bowls.

Deary felt proud as he watched his friends enjoy their meal. He knew he was a pioneer in the forest, using his unique talent to help everyone. With each bowl of cereal, the animals learned that teamwork and friendship could steer them through tough times. They celebrated their hero by throwing a party at the pier, where they played games and drank root beer. As the sun set, Deary realized that being a hero meant caring for others, and that brought him the greatest joy of all.

IRE Story

In a small village in Ireland, a vampire named Victor faced a dire problem: a fire had broken out in the local bakery! Victor had a unique plan to put out the flames using expired milk. Though most might find this idea a bit strange, Victor believed the dairy might just do the trick. With his cape fluttering in the wind, he hurried through the village, his tires squeaking against the cobblestone streets as he raced to the scene.

As he arrived, he could see the flames flickering higher and higher, threatening to engulf the entire building. The firefighters were already on the scene, their sirens wailing and hoses spraying water everywhere. But Victor felt tired and knew he had to act fast. He reached into his backpack, pulling out the carton of expired milk, hoping to inspire the others with his daring idea. The villagers gathered, whispering and wondering if this vampire was a liar or truly a hero.

With a flick of his wrist, Victor tossed the milk onto the fire. To everyone’s surprise, the flames fizzled and disappeared! The onlookers erupted in cheer as the smoke cleared. The mayor, impressed by Victor’s bravery, offered him a special flier inviting him to join the village choir. That night, as Victor wrote about his adventure in his diary, he realized he had found a new home among the people of Ireland. Perhaps one day, he could retire from his old life and become a true friend to all.

OAR Story

In a cozy corner of Oregon, an orca named Oliver and a friendly dinosaur named Daisy were having a wonderful morning. They had just finished their chores and decided to eat some delicious Oreos while making origami. As they sat on the floor of their fort, they crafted paper animals and poured milk into their cups. Oliver’s flipper clumsily knocked over a few origami creations, but they both laughed and kept going, eager to score more beautiful pieces.

Suddenly, they heard a loud roar outside, and Oliver looked through the door to see a tornado swirling in the distance. “Look, Daisy! A tornado!” he exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise. The wind howled like a horn, causing the trees in the forest to sway. They quickly turned their attention to their safety and decided to gather their things. Daisy grabbed her favorite orange origami, while Oliver carefully picked up the last Oreo, determined not to let it go to waste.

As they watched the tornado dance across the horizon, Oliver felt a little sore from all the excitement. “Let’s head to the store and grab some popcorn to watch the storm,” he suggested. Daisy agreed, and they hurried to their little boat, equipped with a sturdy oar. With a shared glance, they both felt a thrill. They were ready for a grand adventure, knowing that together, they could brave anything—whether it was a storm or a tornado!

RL Story

Carla and Earl were two adventurous friends living in a small town. One early morning, they decided to explore the world outside their neighborhood. As they wandered through a nearby forest, they noticed a colorful barrel sitting near a sparkling creek. Curiosity sparked in their minds, and they rushed over to see what was inside.

When they opened the barrel, they couldn’t believe their eyes! It was filled to the brim with beautiful pearls that shimmered like the stars. “Look at all these pearls!” Carla exclaimed, her curls bouncing as she twirled with joy. Earl carefully picked one up, admiring its smooth surface and perfect spiral shape. “This must be a treasure!” he declared, grinning from ear to ear. They wondered how many pearls they had found, making the word “plural” come to mind.

As they sat by the creek, Carla shared stories of cowgirls and their adventures, while Earl watched a squirrel darting between the trees. “We should create something special with these pearls,” Carla suggested, her eyes sparkling with ideas. They decided to make necklaces and bracelets to share with their friends. As the sun began to set, the whirlpool in the creek reflected the colors of the sky, and the friends felt like they had found not just pearls, but a special moment to cherish

Vowelized R Progression Cards & Tongue Twisters

Vocalic R Tongue Twisters

Silly Sam’s shiny scarf sparkled under the starry sky.

Mark the smart shark strummed his guitar in the dark.

Sally’s slippery jar slipped from her arm and splashed.

At the large barn, a friendly dog barked at the army.

Larry the llama loves long, leafy garlic from the farm.

The sly artist painted a mural of a tart and a shark.

In March, the guard saw a large dart near the park.

Sparkly stones scattered across the grassy field like marbles.

A cart full of garbage rolled down the steep slope.

The brave knight played his harp while guarding the ark.

At the bazaar, a pirate searched for treasure near the bar.

The smart parrot flew far over the bright, busy mart.


Silly sheriff Terry sat silently in a square chair.

Barefoot, he shared cherries and carrots with a caring parrot.

A furry bear with fluffy hair danced near the fair.

“Where’s the pear?” asked Terry while staring at his stereo.

A pair of kids dared to ride the scary ferry ride.

“Watch the arrow fly straight through the air,” Terry declared.

Married parents prefer blueberry pie over cherry tart any day.

Terry saw a hairy caribou standing near the asparagus patch.

At the fair, he won a rare prize with his arrow.

“Let’s repair the chair before we share our snack,” he said.

The furry bear and parrot planned a fun adventure, fairly!

“Stare at the flare while I ride my wheelchair,” Terry shouted.

Silly deer near the chandelier fear the strange mirror.

The cashier cheers as the pyramid of cereal disappears.

A hero in gear volunteers to steer the weird deer.

I hear tears from the mysterious sphere by the pier.

Root beer and souvenirs appear near the cafeteria every year.

The fierce engineer will smear his gear with sticky tear.

If you jeer, you’ll probably fear the scary deer near.

A pair of earrings can appear on a strange ear.

Don’t smear the mirror while you volunteer at the fair!

The charming hero will clear the severe fear this year.

A daring pioneer will steer a ship near the frontier.

The chandelier sparkles while the deer eats cereal with cheer!


Eager turtles turn toward the earthy fern flowers.

The teacher’s shirt shimmered under the bright weather.

A turkey’s birthday is better with butter and paper.

Silly spiders stir cider near the center of Peru.

Whispering lizards linger near the tall tower’s skirts.

Bitter butter never made a sweeter birthday mixture.

The mermaid’s letter danced on the watery surface.

Cursive letters curl like a curious lizard’s tail.

Tigers and turtles together learn to wander freely.

Her furry sweater covered dirt from the garden.

A herd of deer can never suffer in silence.

Scissors slice through paper while players cheer with joy.


A tire on the high wire caught fire last night.

The tired vampire inquired about expired milk by the campfire.

A choir of liars sang beneath a sapphire spire.

The firefighter’s flier warned of dire weather ahead.

A buyer hired a vampire to fix a flat tire.

The umpire admired the sapphire firework display in Ireland.

With pliers and wire, the sire fixed the dryer.

A fierce desire to retire filled the vampire’s diary.

The entire empire worried about the fire in the quagmire.

Flames inspired the choir to cheer near the campfire.

A fryer needs firewood for the perfect golden fries.

The tired deer jumped higher than the spire’s tip.


Oliver opened the door to four orcas.

Daring dinosaurs dance near the forest floor.

The orange orca ordered four Oreos for dessert.

In Oregon, an orca plays a board game on the shore.

A dinosaur and a dog do chores before dawn.

Before the storm, they soar over the North port.

Four friends form a fort with a cord and a score.

A tornado twirled near the horseshoe store and more.

In the morning, they pour popcorn from a big bowl.

The dinosaurs designed origami near the old thorn tree.

An orca in Oregon loves to play sports galore.

With a roar, the dinosaur explored the dark forest floor.

Carla the cowgirl twirled with a swirl of curls.

Earl found a barrel full of shiny pearls.

The squirrel’s curls twirled as it danced around.

In a whirlpool, a girl spotted a natural pearl.

Carl and Carla watched the world swirl around them.

A coral spiral caught the girl’s curious eye.

Learn how to say the Vowelized R sound, and use our animated video flashcards! Tips and tricks on how to make your articulation target sounds

Whether you are an SLP, teacher, or parent looking for free Vocalic R word lists, phrases, sentences, stories, or conversational pictures, we hope that your find all of or free virtual speech therapy resources beneficial!

Perfect to use for at home speech therapy practice, during sessions at school, or whenever you feel like targeting your child’s articulation goals!

If you would also like free printable Vowelized R speech therapy materials, click below.  We have free printable flashcards, word searches, tic-tac-toe, bingo, progression cards, and more!

Enjoy all of our free no-prep speech therapy materials and games today!

We also offer additional virtual Vocalic R materials to target the Vowelized R sound at the isolation, syllable, and word levels.

Whether you are a speech therapist, teacher, or parent, we have tons of free and engaging videos, materials, games, resources,  and interactive activities to target the Vocalic R words!

We offer free Vowelized R articulation videos, word lists,  worksheets, downloadables, no-prep materials, virtual games that are compatible with tablets, computers and phones.

We aim to be the world’s largest free supplier of free speech therapy materials!

A lot of our materials and games are open ended so feel free to use them however you see fit.  Whether it is using them with a board game, for drill practice, or using them to help the generalization of the speech sound, we hope they are useful!

Our printable materials include  articulation Scavenger Hunt, Find the Match, Progression Cards, Flashcards, Train Car Activity, Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect Four, Coloring Sheets, Dice, Bingo, Flipbooks, Cariboo Cards, Battleship, and more!

The words selected for our games and activities are high-frequency words that also have your target sound in them!