Typical age when denasalization resolves itself:
Denasalization is the phonological process where a child replaces a nasal consonants like the “m” and “n” sounds with non-nasal consonant like “b” and “d”.
Nasal consonants are where air is released thru the nostrils. “m” and “n” examples of nasal consonants.
A tip to help the child see airflow coming out of their nostrils is to place a mirror under your / their nose during the production of nasal consonants. The mirror should fog up from the nasal emissions. If no mirror is present, have the child place a finger under your / their nose to feel the air stream works too!
Examples of denasalization include:
- “do” for “no”
- “de” for “me”
- “ot” for “on”
It is common for all children to make theses errors; however, if the errors persist after the child turns three, you may want to consult a school / local Speech-Language Pathologist to see if they qualify for services.