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1,000+ Free 4 Syllable Word Lists, Phrases, Sentences, Stories, Progression Cards, Tongue Twisters, and more!

Enjoy all of of free 4 Syllable target sound speech therapy materials!

If you're looking for additional virtual resources to target 4 Syllable words, phrases, sentences, sentence level and more, click below!

4 Syllable Word List

4 Syllable Word List





























































































Peanut Butter

Potato Chips

Chocolate Chips

Tomato Soup

Telephone Book



Vitamin C









Banana Split

Mountain Climbing

Tortilla Chips


Area Code



Poison Ivy


Video Game








North Dakota

Yankee Doodle







Baking Powder



Belly Button





























New Mexico







Mona Lisa


Peanut Butter











If you're looking for flashcards you can filter by sound position, blends, word structure, syllables and more, click below! You can also print them out after you have filtered them!

4 Syllable Phrases

4 Syllable Phrases

Alligator slides in water

Pay attention in class

Is anybody there?

Available for a game

Beautiful flowers in spring

Good behavior is important

Colorful butterfly in flight

Use a calculator now

Time for a celebration

Measure with a centimeter

Yummy chocolate treat

Talk with communication skills

Make a comparison today

Reach a conclusion quickly

Use conditioner for hair

Have a nice conversation

Pretty decoration for party

Big dinosaur in museum

Exciting discovery in science

Education helps us learn

Ride the elevator up

Fun entertainment for all

Everybody loves a party

Study for the examination

Cool science experiment ideas

February is a short month

Strong foundation for learning

New generation of kids

Study geography for fun

Exciting graduation day ahead”

Flying helicopter in sky

Enjoy a holiday break

Humidity makes it sticky

Use your imagination daily

Incredible things can happen

Find helpful information here

Send an invitation today

Don’t cause irritation

Explore the laboratory today

Read good literature books

Use machinery carefully

Good management is key

Take your medication daily

Visit the memorial site

Stay motivated to succeed

Narrator tells the story

Operation was successful

Stay optimistic every day

Create fun origami shapes

Write a paragraph here

Particular tasks to complete

Get permission to go

Check the population count

Explore every possibility

Get ready for preparation

Ask the principal first

Follow the procedure closely

Draw a rectangle shape

Build a relationship today

Remember to be kind

Repetition helps us learn

Feel satisfaction in work

Cut with scissors carefully

Be a good secretary

Handle every situation well

Find a solution fast

Ask somebody for help

Yummy strawberry dessert

Visit the supermarket today

Watch your favorite television

Check the temperature outside

Join the tournament now

Use transportation to school

Open your umbrella wide

Wear your uniform proud

Attend university to learn

Study different vegetation types

Volunteer for community service

Enjoy sweet watermelon slices

Be obedient in class

Time for celebration now

Discover something new today

It’s impossible to quit

Invisible things can’t be seen

Eat your vegetable daily

Questionable choices can hurt

Appreciate all the good

Watch educational television shows

Feel satisfaction in success

Spread peanut butter nicely

Crunchy potato chips snack

Delicious chocolate chips here

Have warm tomato soup

Find the telephone book

February brings chilly weather

January is very cold

Drink vitamin C daily

Alphabetize your books today

Watch the helicopter fly

Ride a unicycle today

Explore America’s great states

Visit Washington D.C.

Sunny Florida beaches await

Beautiful Wisconsin scenery

Cool Iowa cornfields

Enjoy banana split dessert

Fun mountain climbing adventure

Crunchy tortilla chips snack

Tasty macaron treat today

Dial the area code

Engage in conversation fun

Start kindergarten this year

Avoid poison ivy plants

Add avocado to salad

Play a video game

Pick dandelion flowers today

Study historical facts well

Use the escalator safely

Ride the elevator up

Use the calculator wisely

Measure the temperature daily

Watch your favorite television

Draw a kaleidoscope picture

Explore North Dakota lands

Sing Yankee Doodle song

Share a misadventure story

Understand the definition clearly

Make a deliberate choice

Feeling delirious from laughter

Practice democracy in school

Learn about bacteria today

Use baking powder in recipes

Look for the barometer

Check your belly button

Say a nice benediction

Thank your benefactor kindly

Make beneficial choices today

Invite anybody to play

Visit the baboonery soon

Watch for a barbarian

Stay obedient to rules

Make an observation today

Visit Minnesota in winter

Share a misadventure tale

Travel through Mississippi state

Discover the wonders of Mongolia

Solve the mysterious puzzle

Show humility to others

Visit a monumental site

Be a paramedic helper

Learn about parameters now

Vote for the unanimous choice

Learn about aluminum cans

Explore the cerebellum today

Visit the coliseum site

Learn about pacifism today

Know about petroleum products

Celebrate acts of heroism

Understand what is necessary

Negotiate a good deal

Study neurology topics today

Visit New Mexico soon

Learn about the notorious

Explore numerical patterns today

Visit Arizona’s beautiful land

Be part of the generation

Write manually in class

Learn to manipulate objects

Draw the Mona Lisa

Play the game Monopoly

Spread peanut butter evenly

Feel vulnerable sometimes

Enjoy animation in movies

Handle complications with care

Reach new elevation heights

Celebrate each generation’s success

Learn about hibernation now

Discuss the politician’s speech

4 Syllable Sentences

4 Syllable Sentences

An alligator swims swiftly in the murky swamp waters.

Please pay attention during the classroom discussions today.

Is anybody excited about the school field trip?

The playground is available for everyone to enjoy.

The garden is filled with beautiful blooming flowers.

Good behavior is important for a happy classroom.

The butterfly landed gently on the colorful flower.

Use the calculator to solve the math problems.

We are planning a big celebration for graduation.

A centimeter is a small unit of measurement.

I love chocolate, especially in cookies and cake.

Good communication is key to making friends.

Make a comparison between these two animals today.

The conclusion of the story was surprising and fun.

Use conditioner to keep your hair soft and smooth.

Let’s have a fun conversation about our favorite books.

The decoration for the party looks so cheerful!

The dinosaur exhibit fascinated all the visiting kids.

This discovery will change how we understand science.

Education is important for a bright future ahead.

I took the elevator to the top floor.

The movie was great entertainment for all of us.

Everybody enjoyed the delicious pizza at the party.

Study hard for the examination coming up soon.

We designed an experiment to test our ideas.

February is the month of love and friendship.

A strong foundation is important for building houses.

Each generation learns from the one before it.

In geography class, we study maps and cultures.

Graduation is a special day for all students.

The helicopter flew high above the tall buildings.

We are excited for our holiday next week.

Humidity makes the air feel sticky and warm.

Imagination helps us create amazing stories and art.

The incredible story kept everyone on the edge.

We need information to solve the mystery together.

Please send an invitation for my birthday party.

Irritation can occur when someone interrupts your work.

The laboratory is where scientists conduct experiments.

I enjoy reading interesting literature during free time.

The new machinery helps us work more efficiently.

Good management is essential for running a successful team.

Remember to take your medication every morning.

The memorial honors those who served our country.

Motivation helps us achieve our goals and dreams.

The narrator told the story in a fun way.

The operation went well and everyone is happy.

I am optimistic about the future and my goals.

We learned how to fold origami animals today.

Please write a paragraph about your favorite hobby.

There is a particular rule we must follow today.

You need permission before using my computer.

The population of the city keeps growing every year.

Let’s explore every possibility for our next project.

Preparation is key to doing well on tests.

Ask the principal about our field trip plans.

Follow the procedure for the science experiment closely.

Draw a rectangle on the paper using a ruler.

Building a relationship takes time and effort.

Remember to be kind to everyone you meet.

Repetition helps us learn our multiplication tables better.

Feel satisfaction when you complete your homework.

Use scissors carefully when cutting out shapes.

The secretary keeps everything organized in the office.

Handle every situation with care and patience.

We need a solution to this tricky problem.

Somebody left their backpack in the classroom today.

I love strawberries, especially in smoothies and desserts.

Let’s visit the supermarket to buy some snacks.

I watched my favorite television show last night.

Check the temperature before going outside to play.

The tournament will start next weekend at school.

Transportation helps us get from place to place.

Don’t forget your umbrella if it rains today.

Wear your uniform proudly to school every day.

I want to attend university after high school.

We learned about different types of vegetation today.

I love to volunteer at the animal shelter.

I enjoyed a slice of sweet watermelon today.

Always be obedient to your teachers and parents.

The celebration was filled with laughter and joy.

She had an adventure that was very fun.

It’s impossible to see in the dark room.

The invisible ink can only be seen with heat.

Eating a vegetable is good for your health.

Some decisions are questionable and need careful thought.

I appreciate your help with my homework today.

Spread peanut butter on your bread for lunch.

I enjoy crunchy potato chips with my sandwich.

I baked cookies with chocolate chips yesterday.

Tomato soup warms me up on chilly days.

I found the telephone book in the drawer.

February has Valentine’s Day for love and friendship.

January is the start of a brand new year.

Drinking vitamin C keeps you healthy and strong.

Remember to alphabetize your books on the shelf.

The helicopter flew over our school today.

I learned to ride a unicycle in gym class.

America is a country full of diverse cultures.

We visited Washington to see the historic sites.

Florida is known for its beautiful beaches and sunshine.

Wisconsin is famous for its cheese and lakes.

Iowa has many beautiful fields and farms.

Enjoy a banana split for dessert this weekend.

I love mountain climbing in the great outdoors.

Tortilla chips are a tasty snack with salsa.

I enjoy a delicious macaron at the bakery.

Dial the area code before making a phone call.

Let’s have a fun conversation about our day.

Kindergarten is a place for learning and fun.

Avoid poison ivy when playing outside in nature.

Add avocado slices to your sandwich for flavor.

I enjoy playing a video game with friends.

I picked a dandelion from the green grass.

The historical museum has many interesting exhibits.

The escalator moves people up and down easily.

I took the elevator to the top floor.

Use a calculator to check your math answers.

The temperature dropped as the sun went down.

I watched my favorite television show last night.

I made a colorful kaleidoscope from paper.

North Dakota has many beautiful parks and landscapes.

I learned the song Yankee Doodle in music class.

We had a misadventure during our camping trip.

The definition of a word helps us understand it.

Make a deliberate choice when solving problems today.

He felt delirious from laughing so much today.

We learned about democracy and voting in class.

Bacteria can be harmful if not treated properly.

Baking powder helps cakes rise while baking.

The barbarian was strong and brave in stories.

The barometer shows us the weather changes outside.

Your belly button is an interesting part of you.

I said a short benediction before dinner began.

A benefactor helped us with our school project.

Eating healthy is beneficial for our bodies and minds.

Does anybody know the answer to this question?

The baboonery at the zoo is always entertaining.

The barbarian fought bravely in the old tale.

Dekuverate is an unusual word that I learned.

Always be obedient to your parents and teachers.

My observation helped solve the mystery quickly.

Minnesota is known for its beautiful lakes and forests.

I had a fun misadventure last weekend with friends.

Mississippi has many rivers and historical sites to visit.

Mongolia is a country with vast grasslands and mountains.

The mysterious box held a secret surprise inside.

Show humility when you win or lose.

The monument is a tribute to brave soldiers.

The paramedic arrived quickly to help the injured.

We learned about the parameter in math class.

The unanimous decision made everyone happy and excited.

Aluminum cans are recyclable and helpful for the planet.

Your cerebellum controls balance and coordination in your body.

The coliseum is an ancient place for entertainment.

Pacifism promotes peace and non-violence in society.

Petroleum is used to make many different products.

Acts of heroism should be recognized and celebrated.

Some things are necessary for our daily lives.

It’s important to negotiate during discussions and meetings.

Studying neurology helps us understand the brain better.

New Mexico has beautiful deserts and colorful sunsets.

The notorious pirate sailed the seas searching for treasure.

Learn numerical patterns in math class today.

Arizona is known for its hot, sunny weather.

This generation will shape the future of our world.

I like to write manually in my journal.

I can manipulate the clay into fun shapes.

The Mona Lisa is a famous painting by da Vinci.

Playing Monopoly is always a fun family game.

Spread peanut butter on toast for breakfast.

I felt vulnerable when I tried something new.

Animation brings cartoons and movies to life.

Complication can make things more difficult sometimes.

I reached a new elevation on the hike.

Each generation has unique stories to tell.

Bears hibernate during the cold winter months.

The politician gave a speech about the environment.

I watch educational television shows to learn new things.

Feel satisfaction after completing your homework assignment.

4 Syllable Stories

4 Syllable Story #1

Once upon a time in the shimmering swamps of Alligator Heights, there was a remarkable alligator named Albert. Albert had just completed his education at Elevator School, where he learned everything about vertical transportation and the importance of attention. As graduation day approached, excitement filled the air, and Albert could hardly contain his joy. The decorations sparkled like diamonds, and the school was ready for a magnificent celebration. Everybody was invited, and Albert was eager to see who would attend his special day.

On the day of his graduation, Albert was delighted to discover that a group of friendly dinosaurs and colorful butterflies had arrived to surprise him. They danced around the beautiful celebration area, their vibrant wings fluttering like confetti in the breeze. The dinosaurs brought along a gigantic cake made of chocolate, which everyone agreed was the most delicious treat imaginable. As they enjoyed the sweet dessert, Albert shared stories about his favorite experiments and the fascinating discoveries he had made at school. The joyful conversation filled the air, creating an atmosphere of friendship and happiness.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with beautiful colors, Albert reflected on his journey. The conclusion of his school days marked the beginning of a new adventure. With the support of his friends and the lessons he learned, Albert felt ready to embrace the future. The celebration continued with laughter, games, and even a few impromptu performances. In that moment, Albert realized that this was not just a graduation; it was the foundation of a new generation of alligators, ready to make their mark on the world.

4 Syllable Story #2

Yankee Doodle, the enthusiastic pilot, carefully prepared his helicopter for an exciting journey. He received an incredible invitation from the popular alligator principal, Mr. Gator, to visit a secret origami laboratory. With his imagination soaring, Yankee Doodle felt a mix of anticipation and exhilaration as he set the helicopter’s controls. “Today’s holiday adventure will be unforgettable!” he declared, adjusting his aviator sunglasses while placing a bright watermelon in the co-pilot seat as a tasty treat.

As the helicopter lifted off, Yankee Doodle navigated through the vibrant sky, where clouds floated like fluffy cotton candy. He thought about the fascinating origami creations waiting for him, made with particular precision and artistry. The principal’s laboratory was famous for its extraordinary designs, including intricate umbrellas that opened up like flowers. “I can’t wait to see all the incredible paper sculptures!” he exclaimed, feeling optimistic about the journey ahead.

Upon arriving at the laboratory, Yankee Doodle was greeted by Mr. Gator and a swarm of colorful butterflies that danced around him. “Welcome, Yankee Doodle! We’re delighted to have you!” said Mr. Gator, showcasing the whimsical origami models adorning the walls, including some impressive watermelons crafted from paper. They spent the afternoon creating magnificent paper masterpieces, and the air filled with laughter and creativity. It was a day full of discovery, where imagination and friendship transformed simple paper into extraordinary art under the shade of beautiful umbrellas.

4 Syllable Story 3

In the bustling town of Avocadopolis, a remarkable librarian named Miss Lila embarked on an impossible journey with her unusual friend, a talking avocado named Alberto. One sunny afternoon, during a celebration of vegetables, they overheard a rumor about a rare snack: dandelion-flavored potato chips! Filled with curiosity, Miss Lila and Alberto decided to set off on an adventure to discover this peculiar treat. With their backpacks packed with peanut butter and chocolate chips, they hopped on a unicycle to begin their quest.

Their journey took them through a historical forest, where towering trees created a kaleidoscope of shadows. Along the way, they encountered questionable creatures: invisible squirrels and a group of friendly butterflies who loved to converse. “We must navigate through these obstacles!” Alberto encouraged, his green skin shimmering in the sunlight. Miss Lila used her calculator to chart their path, determined to reach the legendary snack shop rumored to carry the dandelion potato chips before the temperature dropped in February.

After a long day filled with misadventures, they finally spotted the shop nestled between two giant tomatoes. They entered, greeted by the delightful aroma of fresh snacks. “You made it!” the shopkeeper exclaimed. “I appreciate your perseverance!” Together, they celebrated their discovery of dandelion-flavored potato chips, feeling victorious. Miss Lila and Alberto savored each bite, realizing that even the most impossible journeys can lead to delicious rewards and unforgettable friendships.

4 Syllable Animated Articulation Videos

4 Syllable Progression Cards & Tongue Twisters

4 Syllable Tongue Twisters

Alligators are awesome at attention and celebration!

Beautiful butterflies boast big behavior and incredible imagination.

The clever calculator counts chocolate chips for everybody’s enjoyment.

An exciting examination reveals incredible discoveries about dinosaurs.

Elevators elevate everybody’s experience during a joyful celebration.

The optimistic principal prepared a fabulous invitation for graduation.

Is anybody available to assist with this complicated origami?

Vibrant watermelon is a fantastic addition to holiday decorations.

Communication creates connections between alligators and butterflies alike.

During February, fascinating geographical comparisons captivate curious minds.

A diligent volunteer organizes transportation for the big celebration.

The laboratory’s incredible experiments lead to astonishing discoveries!

Elegant origami can be an impressive decoration at any celebration.

This month, our generation celebrates joyful memories and education.

A magnificent helicopter hovers over the historical monument for everyone.

Everybody appreciates beautiful decorations during graduation ceremonies.

The adventurous unicycle rider navigates tricky situations with skill.

I remember the delightful conversation about chocolate chip cookies!

A friendly dinosaur participates in the school’s holiday celebration.

The librarian’s literature is a wonderful source of information and inspiration.

My peculiar potato chips flavor is dandelion, a strange sensation!

In February, the humidity rises, making the situation quite uncomfortable.

The incredible narrator animated the story of the mischievous monkey.

Scissors snipped swiftly, creating marvelous decorations for the holiday.

The watermelon wonderland brought everybody joy and delicious snacks!

Remember the remarkable relationship between dinosaurs and vegetables?

A special invitation to the annual tournament was sent out.

The beautiful umbrella protected us during the sudden rainstorm.

Everybody enjoys the animated videos featuring dancing avocados.

The historical society’s examination revealed fascinating facts about Minnesota.

The triumphant celebration featured a mesmerizing display of origami.

The procedure for making peanut butter cookies is quite simple!

My ambitious experiment involved comparing chocolate chips and bananas.

The kaleidoscope created an array of vibrant colors and shapes.

In this remarkable universe, I appreciate unique friendships and communication.

The official information about the event was exciting for all.

Let’s negotiate the details for a fabulous graduation celebration!

A vibrant festival brought together every generation in our community.

The dandelion dreams of being a delicious potato chip someday.

I’ll remember this fantastic adventure of exploration and discovery!

Learn how to say the 4 Syllable sound, and use our animated video flashcards! Tips and tricks on how to make your articulation target sounds!

Whether you are an SLP, teacher, or parent looking for free 4 Syllable word lists, phrases, sentences, stories, or conversational pictures, we hope that your find all of or free virtual speech therapy resources beneficial!

Perfect to use for at home speech therapy practice, during sessions at school, or whenever you feel like targeting your child’s articulation goals!

If you would also like free printable 4 Syllable speech therapy materials, click below.  We have free printable flashcards, word searches, tic-tac-toe, bingo, progression cards, and more!

Enjoy all of our free no-prep speech therapy materials and games today!

We also offer additional virtual 4 Syllable materials to target the 4 Syllable  sound at the isolation, syllable, and word levels.

Whether you are a speech therapist, teacher, or parent, we have tons of free and engaging videos, materials, games, resources,  and interactive activities to target the 4 Syllable sound!

We offer free 4 Syllable articulation videos, word lists,  worksheets, downloadables, no-prep materials, virtual games that are compatible with tablets, computers and phones.

We aim to be the world’s largest free supplier of free speech therapy materials!

A lot of our materials and games are open ended so feel free to use them however you see fit.  Whether it is using them with a board game, for drill practice, or using them to help the generalization of the speech sound, we hope they are useful!

Our printable materials include  articulation Scavenger Hunt, Find the Match, Progression Cards, Flashcards, Train Car Activity, Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect Four, Coloring Sheets, Dice, Bingo, Flipbooks, Cariboo Cards, Battleship, and more!

The words selected for our games and activities are high-frequency words that also have your target sound in them!