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1,000+ Free Cluster Reduction Word Lists, Phrases, Sentences, Stories, Progression Cards, Tongue Twisters, and more!

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Cluster Reduction Word List

Cluster Reduction Word List







































































































































































































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Cluster Reduction Phrases

Cluster Reduction Phrases

Strength makes you feel brave.

Stretch to reach the sky.

Thrust your arm forward fast.

The Sphinx asks a riddle.

Read the script carefully today.

The thrill is so exciting!

Don’t flinch at loud sounds.

Twelfth place is still good.

Speak bluntly and be clear.

The crisp apple tastes great.

Grasp the rope tightly now.

A clump of grass grows here.

A bright streak of light.

She blushes when she’s shy.

The frosty air is cold.

I run on the treadmill daily.

Clutch the ball in your hands.

A loud blast surprised us all.

Cling to your friend tightly.

A trusty dog waits at home.

I heard a thump outside.

The Grinch stole all the gifts.

Her fright made her jump.

Snatch the ball before it falls!

A twister can be very strong.

Stars twinkle in the night sky.

I heard muffled sounds inside.

He plumbed the depths of water.

Strive to do your best.

The toy was crushed flat.

We need to strengthen our team.

Throttle back to slow down.

Watch the balloon shrink slowly.

The crusty bread was baked perfectly.

Stay hushed during the movie.

The tramp walked down the street.

He brought a gift for you.

Watch the plant sprout from seed.

He is a bit clumsy today.

Squint to see better in sunlight.

They struggle to finish the game.

I ate a drumstick for dinner.

The tree branch spiked my arm.

Snuggle with your favorite blanket.

The cookie cracked in half.

Hear the splat of the water.

Don’t sprawl out on the floor.

I got drenched in the rain.

Freshly baked bread smells amazing.

Don’t slump in your chair.

He struck the ball with power.

The brisket was delicious at dinner.

The stretchy band can be fun.

She rushed to catch the bus.

I will smash the piñata!

I heard him grumble about homework.

Sprint to the finish line fast!

Be crafty with your projects.

Don’t distract me while I work.

Blend the colors to make art.

He spelled the word correctly.

Prance around with joy today.

I will scratch the itch.

I stumbled on the uneven ground.

He felt stranded in the woods.

The sweater shrank in the wash.

Clasp your hands together tightly.

Crouch down to look closely.

The vortex pulled everything in.

We thrive when we work together.

There are three apples left.

A stray cat walked by.

The stream flows gently today.

You are strong and capable.

The spruce tree is very tall.

Spread the butter on the bread.

Shake my hand when you meet.

This task is easy for you.

A mask hides your face.

I turned left at the corner.

The wind blew through the trees.

The bark on trees is rough.

I sit at my desk to work.

Jump over the puddle quickly.

The ice will melt in warmth.

Can you lend me a pencil?

I love to craft cool things.

Climb the stairs to reach me.

Lift the box to help out.

I will help you with math.

Let’s hunt for hidden treasures.

Bend the paper to fold it.

Take a chomp of the apple.

The tree stump is very old.

The crimson dress is beautiful.

I heard thunder in the distance.

I felt the ground tremble slightly.

The frosted window looks pretty.

Kindness makes the world better.

Summer is warm and sunny.

Spaghetti is my favorite meal.

I enjoy climbing tall trees.

I love a sandwich for lunch.

The handkerchief is very soft.

Chocolate is my favorite treat.

The sunflower turned toward the sun.

A butterfly fluttered by gently.

Munch on your favorite snack.

I’m drenched after the rainstorm.

The edges were crimped together.

The words were all jumbled up.

Spritz some water on the plants.

Fling the ball across the yard.

She moved briskly to her class.

My plight is hard to bear.

The colors are strikingly bright.

The fridge keeps our food cold.

I cringe at the scary movie.

I stashed my toys away carefully.

The path twisted through the woods.

She sprained her ankle playing.

Clamber up the hill with care.

He is grasping for the toy.

The trench was deep and wide.

Frisk the bag for any snacks.

The flowers looked blighted and sad.

He sprinted to catch the bus.

It feels frigid outside today.

My strengths are my best traits.

I heard the clattering of pots.

She stitched the fabric together.

I touched the soft blanket.

The glue is sticking really well.

He is trustworthy in all things.

The springy toy bounced back.

The paper was shredded into bits.

The rope was strangled by weeds.

Use bleach to clean the clothes.

The sky was black at night.

I need a blanket for warmth.

Blow out the birthday candles.

The blood is red and bright.

The space is big and empty.

Plant a seed in the soil.

I can speak clearly and well.

You are very special to me.

A tall tree grows in my yard.

Trust me to help you.

I will treat you to ice cream.

The trunk is thick and strong.

Draw a triangle on the paper.

He threw the ball far away.

A threat can cause fear.

Stay straight on the path.

The strange noise made me curious.

We walked down the street together.

Crawl like a baby on the floor.

I heard a crash in the kitchen.

The flower smells sweet and nice.

The flame flickered in the dark.

I will flash the light quickly.

I counted twice to be sure.

There are twenty candies in the jar.

A stick helps you walk.

Please stop talking in class.

The statue is very tall.

I love to brag about my friends.

The brand is known everywhere.

I like to eat bread daily.

The brick wall is very strong.

The brim of the hat is wide.

Use the brush to paint nicely.

The crust of the pie is golden.

They grow crops in the field.

The fruit is fresh and tasty.

The frog jumped into the pond.

The front door is open wide.

The frost covers the grass.

I felt a draft from the window.

Drag the toy across the floor.

Don’t let the water drip!

Make sure to drop the ball.

A grape is a tasty snack.

I can grin when happy.

I heard a grunt from the dog.

He loves to prank his friends.

Prep for the big test tomorrow.

Use a prop in your play.

I can track the lost item.

Throw the trash in the bin.

Follow the latest trend today.

The thread was tangled up.

I found a scrap of paper.

Scrub the dishes until clean.

I will scrape the paint off.

Look at the screen closely.

I made a scribble on paper.

Let’s split the candy equally.

The splash made everyone laugh.

We can splice the two ropes.

Spring is a beautiful season.

Try not to strain too hard.

Use a strap to hold it.

String the beads for a necklace.

Let’s stroll in the park today.

Hold your throat when coughing.

Throw the ball to your friend.

I will stamp my letter today.

The swift rabbit hopped away.

A hump is on the camel.

Twirl around and have fun!

She turned red and began to blush.

Wear a skirt on warm days.

The basket is full of fruit.



Cluster Reduction Sentences

Cluster Reduction Sentences

Strength helps me lift heavy things every day.

I need to stretch before I start running.

He will thrust the sword in the competition.

The Sphinx is a famous statue in Egypt.

Read the script before the play begins tonight.

The thrill of the ride made me scream.

Do not flinch when you see the spider.

I finished twelfth in the race this time.

She spoke bluntly about her honest feelings today.

The crisp apple was my favorite snack ever.

Try to grasp the concept of math easily.

There’s a clump of flowers in the garden.

A bright streak of lightning lit up the sky.

She blushes when someone compliments her in class.

The frosty air made my nose feel cold.

I run on the treadmill for thirty minutes daily.

You need to clutch your backpack tightly now.

The blast of music filled the entire room.

I like to cling to my favorite blanket at night.

He is my trusty friend who always helps.

I heard a loud thump from the attic.

The Grinch is a character in a holiday story.

The fright from the ghost story scared me.

Please snatch the toy before it rolls away.

A twister can cause a lot of damage.

Stars twinkle brightly in the night sky above.

I heard muffled voices coming from the other room.

She plumbed the depths of the ocean carefully.

We strive to do our best in school.

The box was crushed when I stepped on it.

We must strengthen our team before the big game.

You should throttle down your bike on hills.

The balloon will shrink if you let air out.

I like crusty bread with butter for breakfast.

We need to stay hushed during the movie.

A tramp walked down the road every day.

He brought cookies to share with everyone today.

Watch the plant sprout from the ground soon.

I can be a bit clumsy sometimes, you know.

Squint your eyes to see the small print.

They struggle to complete their homework on time.

I enjoyed a drumstick during the picnic lunch.

The cactus had spiked needles all over it.

I love to snuggle with my puppy at night.

The cookie cracked when I took a bite.

I heard a splat when the water balloon burst.

Try not to sprawl out on the couch.

The rain will drench us if we go outside.

I freshly baked cookies for the bake sale.

He tends to slump when he’s feeling tired.

The bat struck the ball with great force.

The brisket was delicious at the barbecue party.

The stretchy rubber band can be fun to use.

We rushed to the bus stop every morning.

Be careful not to smash the fragile vase.

He began to grumble about his homework assignments.

I will sprint to the finish line in the race.

She is crafty and makes amazing arts and crafts.

Please don’t distract me while I am studying.

You can blend the colors to create art.

He spelled the word correctly on the test.

She likes to prance around the playground joyfully.

I will scratch the itch on my arm.

I stumbled over my own feet while walking.

He felt stranded when his car broke down.

The sweater shrank after I washed it too hot.

Clasp your hands together and close your eyes.

Crouch down low to look under the bed.

The vortex of water was swirling in circles.

I like to munch on popcorn during movies.

It was a drenching rain that soaked everyone.

The edges were crimped on the pie crust.

The letters were all jumbled in the book.

I will spritz some water on my flowers.

He will fling the frisbee across the yard.

She walked briskly to catch the bus on time.

My plight is difficult, but I will manage.

The striking painting caught everyone’s attention quickly.

The fridge is full of delicious food today.

I tend to cringe at loud noises unexpectedly.

I stashed my toys under the bed for safety.

The path twisted and turned through the woods.

He will frisk the bag for any hidden snacks.

The flowers looked blighted and sad in winter.

He sprinted quickly to reach the finish line.

It feels frigid outside during the winter months.

My strengths are important to my success in school.

I heard the clattering of dishes in the kitchen.

She stitched the fabric together to make a quilt.

He touched the smooth surface of the stone.

The glue is sticking well to the paper.

He is a trustworthy friend who never lies.

The springy toy bounced high when I threw it.

The paper was shredded into tiny pieces today.

The vines were strangled by the thick weeds.

We need to use bleach to clean the shirt.

The sky was black during the stormy night.

I need a blanket to keep warm at night.

I will blow out the candles on my cake.

The blood was bright and red on the bandage.

There’s enough space in the room for everyone.

I planted a seed in the garden today.

I can speak clearly when I practice a lot.

You are very special to me, my friend.

A tall tree provides shade on hot days.

You can trust me to keep your secret.

I will treat my dog to a nice bone.

The trunk of the tree is very thick.

We drew a triangle on the paper together.

He threw the ball to his friend quickly.

A threat can make someone feel really scared.

Stay straight on the path to find your way.

I heard a strange noise outside my window.

We walked down the street after school today.

I like to crawl on the grass during playtime.

I heard a crash when the vase fell.

The flower smells sweet in the sunny garden.

The flame flickered on the birthday cake tonight.

I saw the flash of lightning during the storm.

I counted twice to make sure I’m right.

There are twenty students in our classroom today.

I found a stick to help me walk.

Please stop talking while I am speaking.

The statue stood tall in the city park.

I love to brag about my awesome friends.

The brand of this shirt is very popular.

I like to eat bread with butter daily.

The brick wall is strong and very old.

The brim of my hat protects my eyes.

Use the brush to paint the picture nicely.

The crust of the pie was baked to perfection.

Farmers grow crops in the rich green fields.

The fruit is fresh and juicy from the store.

The frog jumped from lily pad to lily pad.

The front door is painted a bright red.

The frost covered the grass in the morning.

I felt a draft coming from the window.

Drag the toy car across the floor gently.

Don’t let the water drip on the floor.

Please drop the ball into the basket gently.

A grape is my favorite snack to eat.

I can grin when I am really happy.

He made a grunt when he lifted the box.

We love to prank our friends on Halloween.

Prep for the big game starts this afternoon.

Use a prop in your play to help act.

I can track my progress in the race.

Please throw the trash into the bin quickly.

We should follow the latest trend in fashion.

The thread got tangled in my sewing machine.

I found a scrap of paper to write on.

I need to scrub the dirty dishes tonight.

Be careful not to scrape the table’s surface.

Look at the screen for instructions carefully.

I made a scribble on the paper quickly.

Let’s split the candy evenly among us.

The splash made everyone laugh during the game.

We can splice the two ropes together easily.

Spring is my favorite season of the year.

Try not to strain too hard while lifting.

Use a strap to hold the bag closed.

String the beads together to make a necklace.

Let’s stroll around the park and enjoy nature.

Hold your throat when you have a cough.

I will throw the ball to my dog.

We thrive when we work together as a team.

There are three apples in the basket today.

A stray cat walked by looking for food.

The stream flows gently through the forest.

You are strong enough to lift that box.

The spruce tree is very tall and beautiful.

Spread the peanut butter on your sandwich evenly.

Shake my hand to greet me properly, please.

This task is easy if you pay attention.

A mask can be fun to wear on Halloween.

I turned left at the corner of the street.

The wind blew through the trees all night.

The bark on trees can feel rough sometimes.

I sit at my desk to do homework daily.

Jump over the puddle to stay dry.

The ice will melt when the sun shines.

Can you lend me a pencil for class?

I love to craft cool things for friends.

Climb the stairs carefully to avoid falling down.

Lift the box gently so you don’t drop it.

I will help you finish your project today.

Let’s hunt for hidden treasures in the park.

Bend the paper carefully to make a fold.

Take a chomp of the juicy apple slice.

The tree stump is very old and worn down.

I will stamp my letter and send it.

The swift rabbit hopped.

Cluster Reduction Stories

Cluster Reduction Story #1

Once upon a time, there lived a clumsy talking fridge named Freddy. One frosty morning, Freddy realized that his trusty treadmill had gone missing. With a big thump, he decided to embark on an adventure to find it, aiming straight for the Sphinx in Egypt. Freddy had heard tales of its strength and the mystical secrets it held. He knew he needed to stretch his imagination and his wheels to make this trip successful!

As Freddy rolled through the sandy streets, he couldn’t help but feel a thrill of excitement. He was determined to grasp the clues hidden around the Sphinx. “I’ll have to watch out for any clumps of sand that might trip me up,” he thought, feeling a bit nervous. When he finally reached the towering Sphinx, he squinted at its ancient features, wondering if it could help him. “I’ve brought my best snacks and a clever script to solve this mystery,” Freddy declared, hoping the Sphinx would understand.

But as he approached, a sudden gust of wind sent a blast of sand swirling around him. Freddy blushed and clung tightly to a nearby stone to avoid being blown away. “Don’t be frightened, little fridge,” the Sphinx said in a hushed voice. “To find your treadmill, you must solve the riddle of the sands!” With newfound determination, Freddy knew he would strive to unravel the secrets that surrounded him, all while keeping his clumsiness in check. After all, even the most sprightly fridge can stumble on the path to adventure!

Cluster Reduction Story #2

In a mystical jungle, a flock of scary talking candles set off on an adventure to meet their butterfly friends. Each candle had a flickering flame that made them appear both striking and spooky. They knew their strength came from sticking together, so they clutched their little lanterns tightly as they marched forward. “This jungle is a bit strange, but the thrill of sunflowers and spaghetti awaits!” one candle exclaimed, trying to stretch its wick with excitement.

As they traveled deeper into the lush green trees, the candles suddenly heard a loud thump! “What was that?” one candle asked, trying to squint through the leaves. “Don’t flinch!” another candle said bluntly. “It could be a jungle creature trying to distract us!” They continued on, their flickering lights leaving a crisp streak in the shadows. Suddenly, they spotted their butterfly friends fluttering above the sunflowers, and the candles couldn’t help but blush with joy. “We’ve brought treats for everyone!” they called, their voices muffled in the thick foliage.

The butterflies landed gracefully, eager to munch on the delicious spaghetti and bask in the warm sun. The candles felt a sense of unity and happiness, realizing they could overcome any fright together. “Let’s not let anything shrink our spirits!” one candle said, feeling springy and bright. They all gathered, sharing stories and laughter, knowing that their friendship was the true spark that made their adventures unforgettable. With every delightful moment, the jungle felt more like home, and they couldn’t wait for more adventures to come!

Cluster Reduction Story 3

In a sunny pond, a crafty little frog named Freddie decided to pull a prank on his brother, Benny. With a twinkle in his eye, Freddie grabbed his trusty spellbook and began to chant a script he had found. “This will be a thrill!” he thought, as he mixed the ingredients with a flick of his wrist, thrusting his webbed fingers into the air. But instead of turning Benny into a funny creature, the spell had a strange twist—it transformed Benny into a grape! “Oh no!” Freddie exclaimed, feeling a mix of fright and guilt as he watched his brother roll away.

Benny, now a plump grape, didn’t know how to handle his new, round form. He struggled to cling to the edge of the lily pad, and his frosty demeanor quickly turned to a blush of embarrassment. “Freddie, you better fix this!” he shouted in muffled tones, his voice barely escaping his grape skin. Realizing his prank had gone too far, Freddie felt a strong urge to help his brother. “I promise to strive to make things right!” he declared, trying to grasp the spellbook tightly without dropping it.

Determined to turn Benny back, Freddie hurriedly read through the pages, squinting at the jumbled words. He finally found a counter-spell that would restore his brother’s true form. “With all my strength, I will reverse this!” he said, and with a final chant, Benny was enveloped in a bright flash. Suddenly, with a splat and a thump, Benny popped back into his frog shape, looking relieved and slightly crushed. “Next time, let’s just munch on some bugs together!” Benny grinned, and they both shared a laugh, realizing that brotherly trust was the best magic of all.

Cluster Reduction Progression Cards & Tongue Twisters

Cluster Reduction Tongue Twisters


The trusty Sphinx stretched its strength to snatch a snack.

A clumsy frog’s drumstick struck the frost as it thumped.

The crafty Grinch brought a clump of crisp grapes to munch.

My twelfth twister thrashed through the thick, fresh trees.

With a twist and a turn, they rushed past the clattering brick.

The brisket’s crusty edge snagged on the stretched, spiked vines.

I blushed when the Grinch pranked me with a frosty blast.

Freddie’s script for the play was strikingly straightforward and special.

A thump and a splash made the clumsy frog flinch in fright.

The twinkling stars brought a hush to the frozen night.

A snuggling cat brought warmth to the chilly, plumbed trench.

The jumbled leaves crunched as I stepped over the stretched trunk.

Squinting at the blazing flame, I rushed to grab my trusty flashlight.

The sprouting flowers splashed colors across the frosty field.

He struggled to grasp the crusty bread from the warm oven.

A sneaky twist made the muffin splat on the kitchen floor.

The cautious frog tried to climb the steep, craggy cliff.

With a quick fling, I tossed my snack into the rushing stream.

A blight struck the garden, crushing the sprouted seeds beneath.

The clambering turtle cautiously crawled across the slippery, slimy rocks.

A sparkling stream flowed through the dense, green jungle.

The brisk wind caused the blanket to flutter and flop.

The cautious bunny tried to snuggle against the frosty grass.

With a mighty thrust, the twister swept through the open space.

The clashing sounds from the street made the quiet night shudder.

The chocolate cake was freshly baked and beautifully crafted.

A crisp apple a day keeps the frosty dragon away, they say.

The frightened bird flapped its wings, trying to escape the grasp.

A stealthy snatch brought the snack from the unsuspecting frog.

The shimmering butterfly twirled around the vibrant sunflower patch.

The springy frog jumped over the clump of crunchy leaves.

A thundering herd stomped through the dense forest, shaking the ground.

Learn how to say the Cluster Reduction sound, and use our animated video flashcards! Tips and tricks on how to make your articulation target sounds!

Whether you are an SLP, teacher, or parent looking for free Cluster Reduction word lists, phrases, sentences, stories, or conversational pictures, we hope that your find all of or free virtual speech therapy resources beneficial!

Perfect to use for at home speech therapy practice, during sessions at school, or whenever you feel like targeting your child’s articulation goals!

If you would also like free printable Cluster Reduction speech therapy materials, click below.  We have free printable flashcards, word searches, tic-tac-toe, bingo, progression cards, and more!

Enjoy all of our free no-prep speech therapy materials and games today!

We also offer additional virtual Cluster Reduction materials to target the Cluster Reduction sound at the isolation, syllable, and word levels.

Whether you are a speech therapist, teacher, or parent, we have tons of free and engaging videos, materials, games, resources,  and interactive activities to target the Cluster Reduction sound!

We offer free Cluster Reduction  articulation videos, word lists,  worksheets, downloadables, no-prep materials, virtual games that are compatible with tablets, computers and phones.

We aim to be the world’s largest free supplier of free speech therapy materials!

A lot of our materials and games are open ended so feel free to use them however you see fit.  Whether it is using them with a board game, for drill practice, or using them to help the generalization of the speech sound, we hope they are useful!

Our printable materials include  articulation Scavenger Hunt, Find the Match, Progression Cards, Flashcards, Train Car Activity, Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect Four, Coloring Sheets, Dice, Bingo, Flipbooks, Cariboo Cards, Battleship, and more!

The words selected for our games and activities are high-frequency words that also have your target sound in them!