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1,000+ Free CV Syllable Word Lists, Phrases, Sentences, Stories, Progression Cards, Tongue Twisters, and more!

Enjoy all of of free CV Syllable target sound speech therapy materials!

If you're looking for additional virtual resources to target CV Syllable words, phrases, sentences, sentence level and more, click below!

CV Syllable Word List

CV Syllable Word List































































If you're looking for flashcards you can filter by sound position, blends, word structure, syllables and more, click below! You can also print them out after you have filtered them!

CV Syllable Phrases

CV Syllable Phrases

be kind

bay of water

bee buzzes loud

Bo is happy

boy plays ball

boo, I’m here!

bow to friends

by the tree

coo like a dove

cow gives milk

coy little smile

D is for dog

day is bright

Dee loves cats

die roll fun

do your best

dough is sticky

for my friend

go to school

guy in blue

ha, that’s funny!

hay is for horses

he is cool

hi, how are you?

Jay sings sweetly

Joe runs fast

Joy makes me smile

key to my heart

knee needs rest

low to the ground

toy for the dog

two big dogs

we are friends

whoa, look at that!

wow, so cool!

way to go!

why is that?

yo, check this out!

you can do it!

zoo has many animals

Zo is funny

Z is the last!

paw on my lap

pay the bills

pea in the pod

pie is tasty

saw the big tree

shoe on my foot

tea is hot

tee for golf

tie your shoes

toe in the sand

lay down now

me and you

my favorite toy

moo goes the cow

May brings flowers

mow the grass

new day dawns

neigh like a horse

no more rain


CV Syllable Sentences

CV Syllable Sentences

Be kind to everyone you meet today.

The bay was calm and very beautiful.

A bee buzzed around the colorful flowers.

Bo loves to play soccer with friends.

The boy ran fast to catch the ball.

“Boo! Did I scare you a little?”

She gave a graceful bow to everyone.

The dog sat by the open door.

The dove began to coo softly outside.

The cow grazes peacefully in the green field.

He had a coy smile on his face.

D is the fourth letter in the alphabet.

Today is a sunny and warm day.

Dee enjoys reading books after school every day.

What do you want to do today?

The dough is rising in the warm oven.

This gift is for my best friend, Lily.

Let’s go to the park and play today.

That guy is really funny and entertaining.

“Ha! I found your hidden treasure,” she exclaimed.

The farmer stacked the hay in the barn.

He loves to read and learn new things.

“Hi! How was your day at school?”

Jay plays the guitar in the school band.

Joe enjoys playing basketball with his friends daily.

Joy filled the room during the surprise party.

I lost the key to my front door.

My knee hurts after that big fall.

The cat lay low to the ground quietly.

Please lay the book on the table gently.

Can you help me find my toy?

My favorite color is blue, just like my shoes.

The cow goes “moo” when it’s hungry.

May is the month when flowers bloom.

I will mow the lawn this weekend.

This is my new favorite shirt to wear.

The horse will neigh when it sees us.

No, I do not want dessert right now.

The cat’s paw was soft and fluffy.

You should pay attention to your teacher.

A pea rolled off the plate onto the floor.

The pie smells delicious and looks very tasty.

I saw a big truck on the road.

I lost my shoe while playing outside.

Tea is best served hot with lemon.

He hit the golf tee with his driver.

I need to tie my shoelaces tightly.

Step on your toe carefully when walking.

This toy is perfect for little kids to enjoy.

I have two puppies at home right now.

We are going to the movies tonight.

“Whoa! Look at that amazing trick!” he shouted.

Wow, that was an incredible performance we watched!

This is the way to the playground.

Why is it so cold outside today?

Yo, check out this cool skateboard I found!

You can achieve anything if you try hard.

The zoo has many animals to see and enjoy.

Zo loves to draw and paint pictures.

Z is the last letter of the alphabet.

CV Syllable Stories

CV Syllable Story #1

In a sunny meadow by the bay, there lived a cheerful cow named Joy. Joy was not just any cow; she loved to play and make friends. One day, while munching on some sweet hay, she met a buzzing bee named May. “Hi, I’m May! Do you want to be friends?” the bee asked with a coy smile. Joy replied, “Sure! But there’s something special I need to tell you. I adore pizza dough!” May’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Wow, me too! We should find some together!”

Joy and May decided to go on an adventure to find the best pizza dough in the meadow. They mooed and buzzed, calling for their friends, Bo and Jay. “Hey, guys! Want to join us?” Joy called. “You can help us search for dough!” Bo, a friendly guy with a big laugh, said, “Ha! That sounds like fun!” As they set off, they saw a deer grazing nearby and waved hello. “Whoa, look at that beautiful deer!” May exclaimed, while Joy nodded in agreement, her knee-high hooves tapping on the soft grass.

As they explored, they came across a giant tree where a kind baker named Dee was preparing a big batch of pizza dough. “Do you kids want to help?” Dee asked with a warm smile. Joy and May jumped with joy. “Yes, please!” they cheered. With their help, they rolled the dough and shaped it into fun forms, like stars and hearts. As the sun began to set, they enjoyed their delicious pizza together, feeling grateful for their friendship. Joy looked at May and said, “This was the best day ever!” May buzzed happily, “And we can do it again!”

CV Syllable Story #2

In a colorful world of letters, there lived two best friends: Y and Z. They loved to explore their vibrant home near the sparkling bay, where every day was filled with fun adventures. Y was always curious, asking questions like, “Why does the sun shine so brightly?” Z, the zippy letter, would often respond, “Let’s go find out!” Together, they enjoyed playing games, rolling dice and finding toys hidden in the tall grass.

One sunny afternoon, they decided to visit the zoo, where they hoped to meet new friends. As they walked, they passed a cheerful cow named Joy and a busy bee named May. “Hi, Joy! Hi, May!” Y called out, waving enthusiastically. Joy mooed back, “What are you two up to today?” Z grinned and said, “We’re on our way to the zoo!” The friends decided to join them, and they all headed off together, laughing and sharing stories. “Whoa, look at that beautiful deer!” Z exclaimed when they saw it leaping gracefully by the trees.

When they arrived at the zoo, Y and Z couldn’t believe their eyes. They saw lions, tigers, and even a playful monkey that loved to swing from tree to tree. “Wow! This is amazing!” Y shouted. Z jumped with excitement, “Let’s take a picture with that cute giraffe!” They all gathered together for a fun photo, and just as they were about to say “cheese,” Z slipped and fell right on his knee! Everyone laughed and helped him up. “No worries, buddy! We’ll always be here for you,” Y said with a smile. As the sun began to set, they knew this day would be one they’d always remember, full of laughter and friendship.

CV Syllable Story 3

Once upon a time, in a sunny meadow by the bay, there lived a boy named Joe who had the silliest cow named Joy. Joy loved to wear a big, bright bow on her head, which made her look extra fancy. One day, Joe decided to play a prank on Joy. He hid a big slice of pizza dough behind a pile of hay and said, “Boo! If you can find the dough, I’ll give you a treat!” Joy mooed excitedly, her eyes wide. “Ha! I’ll find it in no time!” she declared.

As Joy searched for the hidden dough, she stumbled over a pile of dice that Joe had left lying around. “Whoa! What are these?” she asked, trying to nudge them with her paw. Just then, a busy bee named May flew by and said, “Hi, Joy! What are you looking for?” Joy replied, “I’m looking for pizza dough! Have you seen it?” May giggled and said, “Nope, but I saw Joe giggling by the tree!” Joy’s eyes sparkled with determination. “Let’s go find him together!”

Meanwhile, Joe was trying to tie his shoe when he accidentally sat on a pie he had forgotten about. “Oh no! My shoe is stuck!” he shouted, laughing at the mess. Joy and May saw him and burst into laughter. “We saw you from way over there!” Joy said with a grin. “Now I have the perfect excuse to give you a pie face!” With a playful toss, she flung a piece of pie at Joe, and they all rolled on the grass, laughing until their bellies hurt. From that day on, they knew that every adventure could be fun as long as they were together!

CV Syllable Progression Cards & Tongue Twisters

CV Syllable Tongue Twisters

Bo the boy and Joy the cow moo by the bay.

May the bee buzzed by the low hay all day.

Dee and Jay play with two new toys in the zoo.

Why did Joe tie his shoe while saying boo?

The coy cow cooed softly, “Moo, whoa, look at me!”

Zo the guy saw a pie while he laid low.

Hi, my key fell by the paw of the deer!

On this sunny day, let’s mow the dough with a tee!

Joy will pay the guy to mow the grass today.

The bee buzzed by the boy while he saw the cow.

Wow, look at the deer neigh while Joy eats hay!

Can you tie my shoe while I drink my tea?

Hey, do you see that guy with a big pie?

Two bees buzzed by while I lay on my toe.

Every day, Joe and Jay say, “Let’s go to the zoo!”

Mooing cows coo softly in the meadow by the bay.

Dee saw two ducks and said, “Whoa, look at that!”

On a new day, Joy and Bo play with a big toy.

The low cow and the high bee play near the bay.

Learn how to say the CV Syllable sound, and use our animated video flashcards! Tips and tricks on how to make your articulation target sounds!

Whether you are an SLP, teacher, or parent looking for free CV Syllable word lists, phrases, sentences, stories, or conversational pictures, we hope that your find all of or free virtual speech therapy resources beneficial!

Perfect to use for at home speech therapy practice, during sessions at school, or whenever you feel like targeting your child’s articulation goals!

If you would also like free printable CV Syllable speech therapy materials, click below.  We have free printable flashcards, word searches, tic-tac-toe, bingo, progression cards, and more!

Enjoy all of our free no-prep speech therapy materials and games today!

We also offer additional virtual CV Syllable materials to target the CV Syllable  sound at the isolation, syllable, and word levels.

Whether you are a speech therapist, teacher, or parent, we have tons of free and engaging videos, materials, games, resources,  and interactive activities to target the CV Syllable sound!

We offer free CV Syllable articulation videos, word lists,  worksheets, downloadables, no-prep materials, virtual games that are compatible with tablets, computers and phones.

We aim to be the world’s largest free supplier of free speech therapy materials!

A lot of our materials and games are open ended so feel free to use them however you see fit.  Whether it is using them with a board game, for drill practice, or using them to help the generalization of the speech sound, we hope they are useful!

Our printable materials include  articulation Scavenger Hunt, Find the Match, Progression Cards, Flashcards, Train Car Activity, Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect Four, Coloring Sheets, Dice, Bingo, Flipbooks, Cariboo Cards, Battleship, and more!

The words selected for our games and activities are high-frequency words that also have your target sound in them!