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1,000+ Free CVCV Word Lists, Phrases, Sentences, Stories, Progression Cards, Tongue Twisters, and more!

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CVCV Word List

CVCV Word List

























































































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CVCV Phrases

CVCV Phrases

tiny little baby human

dance like a ballerina

lots of food at buffet

cute little bunny hops

my whole body is strong

my best buddy is here

warm coffee for grown-ups

hot cocoa warms my hands

yummy cookie tastes so good

you’re such a cutie

dada is my dad

daddy gives great hugs

friendly dino roars loudly

ditto means same as

dojo is where we learn

this math is easy

it’s foggy outside today

my fuzzy pet is soft

gummy bears are delicious

happy faces make me smile

that box is heavy

a hero saves the day

the hippo swims in water

hooray! We won the game!

honey is sticky and sweet

a kind lady helps

climb up the ladder

I build with Lego blocks

the levee holds back water

the limo is fancy

that cat is loony!

I feel a bit loopy

the mummy is wrapped tight

mommy helps me with homework


nana tells the best stories

don’t naysay my ideas!

Nemo is a clownfish

payday means time for money

a penny is worth one

my pillow is so soft

the pogo stick is fun

I love playing polo games

don’t be pouty, smile!

putty is fun to squish

I have a quota to meet

it’s rainy and wet today

the relay race is exciting

I need to repay my friend

the sauna is very hot

the table is shaky today

the silo stores the grain

the soapy bubbles are fun

I sit on the sofa

I can sing solo

the sunny day feels great

taffy is a chewy treat

a tattoo is on my arm

I love a tasty taco

my tummy feels very full

the tuba makes deep sounds

I wear a tutu for dance

I watch shows on tv

I made a typo in class

the yo-yo goes up and down

I’m lucky to have friends

there are many fun games

we run in the meadow

a minnow swims in streams

the mighty lion roars


CVCV Sentences

CVCV Sentences

Ballet dancers wear beautiful tutus and ballet shoes.

The buffet had many delicious foods to choose from.

This math problem is easy for me to solve.

The cat is hiding below the cozy sofa.

I love drinking hot cocoa on chilly days.

My body feels strong after exercising every day.

My buddy and I are playing outside today.

The mummy was wrapped tightly in old cloth.

That puppy is such a cute little cutie!

“Ditto!” I said when she agreed with me.

The dojo is where we practice karate skills.

It was foggy outside, making it hard to see.

Gummy candies are my favorite treat to eat.

My hero is someone who helps others daily.

“Hooray!” we all cheered after winning the game.

My kitty loves to play with yarn and strings.

Polo is a fun game played on horseback.

I like to shape putty into funny figures.

She is very picky about what she eats.

Payday means I get my allowance this week.

Nemo is a clownfish swimming in the ocean.

I enjoy drinking mocha coffee in the morning.

The minnow swam quickly in the clear water.

He is a mighty knight in the story.

There are many stars shining in the sky.

I feel lucky to have such great friends.

I’m feeling a bit loopy after that ride.

I made a typo while writing my essay.

I watch my favorite show on TV each evening.

My tummy rumbled because I am very hungry.

The tuba makes deep sounds in the band.

I love chewy taffy candy during movie night.

She performed a solo at the school talent show.

I like to sit on the soft sofa.

The soapy bubbles filled the bath with fun.

The table was shaky, so I fixed it.

It was a sunny day perfect for playing outside.

I need to repay my friend for lunch.

We will run a relay race at school.

The fuzzy blanket keeps me warm at night.

The pouty child wanted a toy he couldn’t have.

The baby laughed when I made silly faces.

She baked a delicious cookie for everyone to share.

Honey is sweet and great for tea and snacks.

The yo-yo goes up and down in circles.

I found a penny on the ground today.

The bunny hopped around the garden happily.

That box is too heavy for me to lift.

I climbed the ladder to reach the roof.

I saved my money to buy a new toy.

The puppy loves to chase after the ball.

I enjoyed eating a taco for lunch today.

The lady helped the lost child find her mom.

I feel happy when I play with friends.

The pillow is soft and comfortable for sleeping.

I like to drink coffee in the morning.

The hippo splashed in the water at the zoo.

I built a tower with my Lego blocks.

The pony is small and very cute to ride.

Mama makes the best cookies in the world.

Mommy reads me a story every night before bed.

Dada takes me to the park on weekends.

Daddy helps me with my homework every evening.

Papa tells the funniest jokes that make me laugh.

Nana bakes delicious pies for all the family.

The potty is in the bathroom near the sink.

The dino toy is my favorite in the collection.

My tummy hurts after eating too many sweets.

The pogo stick bounces high with each jump.

The pouty girl wanted a different color toy.

I need to meet my quota for homework.

It’s rainy today, so we’ll play inside instead.

I will repay you for that nice gift.

The sauna is very hot and steamy inside.

The silo holds grains for the farm animals.

The shaky chair wobbled when I sat down.

It was a sunny day for our picnic.

I sang a solo at the school concert.

The tattoo on her arm is really cool.

Payday is my favorite day of the month!

Don’t naysay my dreams; I believe in them!

We played in the meadow filled with flowers.

She feels loopy after spinning around too much.

That movie was loony and made me laugh!

The limo drove us to the fancy party.

The levee protects the town from flooding waters.

CVCV Stories

CVCV Story #1

Once upon a time, in a foggy old tomb, there lived a friendly mummy named Momo. Momo was not your average mummy; she had a big dream of dancing in a beautiful ballet. Every day, she practiced her moves in the dusty corners of her tomb. Her body was wrapped in soft, fuzzy bandages, but she felt mighty and happy as she twirled. “If I wear a bright tutu,” she thought, “I’ll be the cutest dancer ever!” Her best buddy, a little kitten named Kiki, always cheered her on. “Hooray for Momo!” she would shout, as Momo danced.

One sunny day, Momo decided to take a break from dancing and treat herself to a delicious cocoa buffet. “I can’t wait to eat cookies, taffy, and sweet honey!” she said with a grin. She imagined a table filled with yummy treats, just like a dream. As she danced toward the buffet, she stumbled over a shaky ladder that was propped against a wall. “Oops! I made a little typo in my steps!” she giggled, shaking off the dust. Kiki, her loyal kitty companion, laughed too, reminding her to stay focused.

Momo knew she had to be brave and keep trying, just like a hero. So she leaped into the air, twirling gracefully in her tutu. With every leap, she felt more confident. “This ballet is easy when I’m having fun!” she exclaimed. Finally, she finished her solo dance and headed to the cocoa buffet. With a happy tummy, she piled her plate high with cookies and cocoa. Momo realized that dreams can come true, especially when you have friends cheering you on. And with that, they sat down on a cozy sofa, ready to enjoy their treats together.

CVCV Story #2

Once upon a time, in a sunny meadow, there lived a happy little dino named Dino Bobo. Dino Bobo had a big dream: he wanted to ride in a shiny limo on the sunniest days. “Riding in a limo would be so cool!” he thought, imagining himself waving to all his friends. His buddy, a playful puppy named Pip, cheered him on, saying, “You’re a cutie, Bobo! Let’s make it happen!” They both laughed and jumped for joy, feeling lucky to be best friends.

On rainy days, Dino Bobo had a different plan. He loved to jump on his pogo stick, bouncing up and down like a loopy bunny. “Jumping is easy and so much fun!” he exclaimed as he hopped around the puddles. Pip would cheer from the sidelines, “Hooray for Dino Bobo!” Together, they made the best of every weather, even when it was foggy. They splashed in puddles and laughed, not caring if they got a bit muddy. “A little rain won’t stop us!” Dino Bobo declared, his tummy rumbling from all the jumping.

After a fun day of bouncing, Dino Bobo and Pip would settle down on a soft sofa, sipping warm cocoa. “Let’s repay ourselves with a cookie buffet!” Bobo suggested, his eyes shining with excitement. They imagined a table filled with cookies and taffy, just waiting for them. As they enjoyed their treats, Dino Bobo dreamed of his next ride in the limo, knowing that each day held new adventures. Whether sunny or rainy, he was ready to make the most of every moment with his best buddy by his side!

CVCV Story 3

Once upon a time, in a sunny meadow, there lived a funny bunny named Benny. Benny had a big dream: he wanted to get some money to buy honey, a cookie, a yo-yo, and a puppy. “I need to work hard!” he said, wiggling his fuzzy ears. With his tummy rumbling, he thought, “How can I make this easy?” Benny decided to start a little stand selling yummy snacks to all his friends. “Hooray for Benny’s snack stand!” cheered his buddy, a playful puppy named Pip.

Every day, Benny set up his stand, offering delicious goodies like cocoa and taffy. “Come and get your snacks!” he shouted, hoping for a big crowd. On sunny days, he smiled as many friends lined up to buy treats. He even made some silly signs with a yo-yo drawing to attract more customers. But sometimes, when it was foggy, Benny felt a bit pouty. “I wish I could sell more snacks!” he sighed, shaking his head. Just then, his friend Kiki the kitty came by, saying, “Ditto! Let’s make this stand a hit!”

As Benny worked hard, he saved up his pennies and soon had enough money for his favorite things. “I can finally buy honey, a cookie, and a yo-yo!” he exclaimed. With a happy heart, he went to the store to find a cute puppy, too. Benny knew he was a lucky bunny to have such great friends. They all cheered as he got his treats and a new puppy. “Let’s celebrate with a big buffet!” he said, smiling wide. Benny learned that hard work and friendship made every adventure sweeter!

CVCV Animated Articulation Videos

CVCV Progression Cards & Tongue Twisters

CVCV Tongue Twisters

Benny the bunny bounces in a bright blue tutu.

Cocoa and cookies create a cozy buffet.

Mighty mommy’s minnow swims below the foggy dojo.

Lucky lady loves lollipops and lemony taffy.

Happy heroes hop with fuzzy puppies on sunny days.

Picky Papa picks pretty pink flowers by the sofa.

Silly Kiki’s kitty chases a loopy yo-yo.

Bobo the baby bunny bounces on a big pogo.

Gummy bears and honey make a tasty taco treat.

Dino Dan dances solo while dreaming of ballet.

The foggy day made the ladder feel shaky.

Cutie kitty cuddles on the comfy pillow all day.

Momo the mummy munches on a chocolate cookie.

Nemo nibbles on a nutty snack from the buffet.

The heavy hippo hops happily near the sunny meadow.

Learn how to say the CVCV sound, and use our animated video flashcards! Tips and tricks on how to make your articulation target sounds!

Whether you are an SLP, teacher, or parent looking for free CVCV word lists, phrases, sentences, stories, or conversational pictures, we hope that your find all of or free virtual speech therapy resources beneficial!

Perfect to use for at home speech therapy practice, during sessions at school, or whenever you feel like targeting your child’s articulation goals!

If you would also like free printable CVCV Syllable speech therapy materials, click below.  We have free printable flashcards, word searches, tic-tac-toe, bingo, progression cards, and more!

Enjoy all of our free no-prep speech therapy materials and games today!

We also offer additional virtual CVCV materials to target the CVCV sound at the isolation, syllable, and word levels.

Whether you are a speech therapist, teacher, or parent, we have tons of free and engaging videos, materials, games, resources,  and interactive activities to target the CVCV sound!

We offer free CVCV articulation videos, word lists,  worksheets, downloadables, no-prep materials, virtual games that are compatible with tablets, computers and phones.

We aim to be the world’s largest free supplier of free speech therapy materials!

A lot of our materials and games are open ended so feel free to use them however you see fit.  Whether it is using them with a board game, for drill practice, or using them to help the generalization of the speech sound, we hope they are useful!

Our printable materials include  articulation Scavenger Hunt, Find the Match, Progression Cards, Flashcards, Train Car Activity, Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect Four, Coloring Sheets, Dice, Bingo, Flipbooks, Cariboo Cards, Battleship, and more!

The words selected for our games and activities are high-frequency words that also have your target sound in the