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1,000+ Free Y Word Lists, Phrases, Sentences, Stories, Progression Cards, Tongue Twisters, and more!

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Y Word List

1 Syllable
Initial Y Word List

























2 Syllable
Initial Y Word List













yule log









2 Syllable
Medial Y Word List















front yard







3 Syllable
Initial Y Word List









yellow hack






3 Syllable
Medial Y Word List














Paul Bunyan






4 Syllable
Initial Y Word List




yellow jacket





4 Syllable
Medial Y Word List




If you're looking for flashcards you can filter by sound position, blends, word structure, syllables and more, click below! You can also print them out after you have filtered them!

Y Phrases

Initial Y Phrases

used toys are fun

yak makes funny sounds

tall tale of heroes

sweet yam for dinner

colorful yarn is fun

yawn when you’re tired

A year goes by fast

I yearn for warm cookies

yeast makes bread rise

yelp when you’re scared

not ready just yet

yolk is bright yellow

you are so awesome

young animals are playful

She plays youth soccer

your smile is bright

yum, that tastes good!

Eugene loves to read

teamwork shows our unity

it was unique

yahoo, it’s playtime!

I went yesterday

yellow jackets buzz around

baseball Yankee fans

where is the yardstick?

yearlong adventure is exciting

I go yearly

yellow flowers bloom bright

I see the Yet.

yogi stretches with ease

I love Yoda

Yoga helps us relax

He was just a youngster

be yourself every day

youthful spirit stays joyful

go to the Yukon

yule log is festive

candy is yummy

eulogy honors special lives

eureka, I found it!

Uganda has beautiful wildlife

his name is Ulysses

uniforms show team spirit

unity brings us together

Fly to Uranus

utilize tools to help

Yamaha makes cool music

have you been to Yosemite?


Medial Y Phrases

hue of the sunset

stay mute in class

don’t tolerate any abuse

never accuse your friends

alien creatures are interesting

use an amulets for luck

backyard games are fun

barnyard animals make noise

play billiards with friends

billion stars in the sky

coyote howls at night

front yard is green

genius ideas can inspire

hubris can lead to trouble

humus enriches the soil

junior is learning to swim

kayak on the calm lake

lawyer defends the innocent

million dreams come true

minion loves to help

inion is a good opinion

royal crown shines bright

senior enjoys graduation day

stallion gallops through the field

value your friendships always



monument honors great leaders

papaya is sweet and healthy

Paul Bunyan is a legend

royalty enjoys grand celebrations

secular songs can be fun

simulate a fun adventure

stimulate your mind with puzzles

stipulate rules for the game

succulent fruits taste delicious

transfusion helps save lives

valiantly facing challenges is brave

evaluate your choices carefully

manipulate shapes with your hands

security keeps us safe

meticulous planning is important

continual practice leads to success

familiar faces bring comfort

genial smiles are welcoming

ingenious inventions change lives

lumberyard supplies the wood

amulet brings good fortune

annual picnic is so fun

behavior matters at school

abusive behavior is not okay

Y Sentences

Initial Y Sentences

Used books can be very helpful for learning.

The yak wandered through the snowy mountains today.

Once upon a time, there was a magical tale.

I made a delicious yam casserole for dinner.

The yard is full of colorful flowers and plants.

I knit a scarf using soft, blue yarn.

When I yawn, it makes others yawn too!

You will have a great year ahead!

I yearn for adventures in faraway lands.

Yeast helps the bread rise and become fluffy.

I heard a loud yelp from the dog.

Have you seen the yellow yolk in eggs?

You should always be kind to others.

The young rabbit hopped across the green grass.

In youth, we learn and grow every day.

What’s your favorite flavor?

Yum, that sounds delicious!

Eugene loves to play soccer with his friends.

The union of friends is always a good thing.

Her unique style makes her stand out everywhere.

The proper usage of words is very important.

I shouted “Yahoo!” when I won the race.

The Yankee team played a fantastic game today.

The yardage for the football field was measured correctly.

I used a yardstick to measure the table.

The yearlong project kept us very busy indeed.

We celebrate yearly traditions with family and friends.

The yellow butterfly fluttered near the flowers.

The yeti is a creature from snowy mountains.

The yogi practiced yoga every morning without fail.

Yoda is a wise character from Star Wars.

Yoga helps me feel calm and focused each day.

The young child laughed while playing at the park.

You should treat yourself with something nice today.

Her youthful energy was contagious during the game.

The Yukon territory is known for its beauty.

A yule log is a special holiday treat.

This cake tastes so yummy and delicious!

I heard a touching eulogy at the funeral.

Eureka! I finally solved the tricky puzzle!

Uganda is known for its beautiful wildlife.

Ulysses is a famous character in literature.

The uniform looked sharp for the school play.

Unity brings people together in many ways.

Uranus is a planet far from the sun.

We can utilize our time wisely to learn.

Yamaha makes some of the best musical instruments.

Yellowstone is a national park with amazing sights.

Yesterday, we had a fun picnic at the park.

The yellow jacket buzzed near my sandwich.

European history is fascinating and full of stories.

She plays the ukulele beautifully at school.

The unanimous decision made everyone very happy.

Utopia is a dream place with no problems.

Yosemite National Park is breathtaking and beautiful.

Medial Y Sentences

The sunset had a beautiful hue of orange.

Please mute the sound during the movie, please.

We must never tolerate any kind of abuse.

Do not accuse others without proper evidence, okay?

An alien spaceship landed in our backyard yesterday.

The dog loves to play in the backyard grass.

The barnyard was filled with cows and chickens.

We played billiards at the community center last weekend.

There are over a billion stars in the sky.

I heard a coyote howling late last night.

The flowers in the front yard look so pretty.

She is a genius at solving puzzles and riddles.

His hubris often gets him into trouble with friends.

Humus is great for growing vegetables in the garden.

My junior class went on a fun field trip.

We can kayak down the river this weekend.

The lawyer helped us understand the tricky laws.

He won a million dollars in the lottery last week.

The minion helped his boss with various tasks.

In my opinion, ice cream is the best dessert.

The royal family attended the charity event together.

The senior class will graduate at the end of May.

The stallion galloped gracefully across the open field.

It’s important to value kindness and friendship daily.

The abusive behavior needs to be addressed immediately.

She wore a beautiful amulet around her neck.

The annual fair brings joy to the whole town.

His behavior is often familiar to his parents.

The genial host welcomed everyone to the party.

She created an ingenious plan to solve the problem.

The lumberyard is filled with stacks of wood.

We visited the monument to honor the heroes.

I love ripe papaya in my fruit salad today.

Paul Bunyan is a famous character in folklore.

Royalty often lives in grand palaces and castles.

Secular music can be enjoyed by everyone equally.

They simulate the weather patterns for science projects.

The exercise will stimulate your brain and body.

We stipulate that everyone must be respectful.

The succulent plants thrive in sunny conditions.

The blood transfusion helped save the patient’s life.

He fought valiantly to protect his friends from danger.

We need to evaluate the project before proceeding.

You can manipulate the pieces to fit perfectly.

Security is important in public places at night.

He was meticulous in organizing his homework neatly.

The continual noise made it hard to concentrate.

Y Stories

Y Story #1

In a quaint village in Europe, there lived a young yak named Yara. Every year, she yearned for adventure beyond her yap yard, dreaming of traveling to Yellowstone to sell her delicious yams. One sunny morning, she used her favorite yellow wagon and packed it with yams. “Yummy yams for sale!” she called out cheerfully. With a joyful yawn, she waved goodbye to her friends, feeling excited about her unique journey ahead.

As Yara traveled through the winding paths, she encountered a wise old owl who had a tale to share. “Beware of the tricky coyotes in the valley!” he warned. Yara thanked him and continued on, her heart full of youthful enthusiasm. She stopped occasionally to enjoy the vibrant scenery, admiring the yellow wildflowers and the majestic mountains. “Eureka!” she exclaimed when she spotted a lovely yard filled with yarn balls. “I’ll collect some for my journey!”

Finally, after many days of travel, Yara arrived at Yellowstone. The air was filled with the scent of pine trees, and the view was breathtaking. She set up her stand near the river, proudly displaying her yellow yams. “Yahoo! Yummy yams for everyone!” she shouted, attracting curious customers. As they marveled at her treats, Yara felt a warm glow of happiness. Her dream was coming true, and she couldn’t wait to share her delicious yams with the world!

Y Story #2

In a vast, vibrant backyard that belonged to the legendary Paul Bunyan, an alien named Zog and a clever coyote named Cody found themselves lost. The hue of the sky was a brilliant blue, and the enormous trees towered like ancient monuments. “This backyard is bigger than a billion barnyards!” exclaimed Cody, his ears perked up with excitement. Zog, usually mute in times of trouble, felt a spark of genius as he considered how they might find their way home. “Let’s use the stars!” he suggested, glancing upward.

As they wandered deeper into the sprawling yard, they stumbled upon a gigantic wooden kayak nestled among the trees. “Look at this!” shouted Cody. “We could use it to float across that stream!” They carefully climbed in, and Zog used his alien abilities to manipulate the kayak, paddling valiantly with a gigantic leaf. They felt the thrill of adventure, but soon they realized they had to evaluate their surroundings. “We need to figure out how to get to Paul Bunyan!” Zog said, trying to remember the way. “Maybe we can ask someone nearby!”

Just then, a genial squirrel appeared, chattering excitedly. “You’re in the royal backyard of Paul Bunyan! To get back, you must find the annual amulet hidden beneath the biggest tree.” The duo nodded, determined to locate the amulet. They searched through the humus and leaves, their behavior focused and meticulous. After a while, they unearthed the shiny amulet, its value immeasurable. With the amulet in hand, they felt a surge of security and joy. “Let’s go home!” Cody howled, and together they made their way back, ready to share their wild adventure with the world.

Y Story 3

On the bright and bustling planet called Utopia, Yogi the yoga instructor was famous for his joyous spirit and unique talent. Every sunny day, he would gather in his backyard, where he played his ukulele for the cheerful yellow jackets that buzzed around. “Yay!” he would exclaim as the yellow jackets danced to the music, creating a delightful symphony in the air. With a gentle smile, Yogi encouraged the young ones to join him for yoga, teaching them the importance of peaceful behavior and valuing every living creature.

One afternoon, Yogi noticed an alien named Zyla watching from a distance. Zyla seemed shy and a bit muted, hiding behind a large rock. “Hey there, young friend!” Yogi called out warmly. “Join us! We’re having a fun time!” With a bit of encouragement, Zyla crept out, her eyes brightening as she listened to the ukulele’s sweet melody. Yogi played a song about a coyote who dreamed of flying high in the sky, and soon everyone, including the yellow jackets, began to sway and move in harmony. “This is better than a billion barnyard dances!” Zyla giggled, feeling a part of the group.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Yogi and his friends gathered for their annual picnic. They shared yummy treats like papaya and yam, filling the air with laughter and stories. “Let’s play a game!” suggested Yogi. “How about a friendly competition of yardstick billiards?” With smiles all around, they played valiantly, their joy echoing through the peaceful yard. Yogi looked at his friends, grateful for their unity and the moments they shared, realizing that on Utopia, every day was a beautiful tale waiting to be told.

Y Progression Cards & Tongue Twisters

Y Tongue Twisters

I yelled “YAHOO!” because my yogurt was the yummiest thing ever!

I used a yellow crayon to color a picture of Yoshi in New York City.

The royal king loved to eat yolks and yams in the United States.

I used yellow yarn to build a yo-yo for you!

The young yeti always told his mom “yuck” when he had to eat yellow yogurt.

The royal king loved to eat yolks and yams in the United States.

Yesterday I saw a yellow unicorn eat a yellow onion for fun.

I found a yummy papaya in Utah, and I dipped it into my yogurt.

I found a unicycle, a yellow daisy, and a box of crayons at a yard sale.

While on my kayak, a pirate yelled I needed to give him all my yo-yos.

The coyote and yeti used a yellow crayon to draw a egg yolk.

The ambulance brought the coyote to the royal junkyard for yoga

Did you see the yak do yoga on the yacht yesterday?

Mute mules march meekly in the muddy barnyard.

An alien always accused the yak of being lazy.

Yawning yeti yearned for a yummy papaya treat.

A clever coyote creates clever tales in the yard.

Junior’s jolly yam made everyone yelp with delight.

The yak yanked yarn while yodeling a silly song.

Yoda’s yellow jacket buzzed around the yoga yard.

A billion barnyard animals behave badly at bedtime.

Yummy yellow yeast yanked up the yule log.

Paul Bunyan’s lumberyard was filled with youthful energy.

A royal stallion galloped valiantly toward the yellow moon.

The genial genius used yarn to simulate a story.

The annual picnic featured a kayaker’s yellow kayak.

“You will evaluate your usage of this unique amulet!”

The coyote and the alien shared a yardstick.

A yappy minion watched the annual yard sale unfold.

Security at the yard was meticulous and youthful.

Eugene’s yellow banana boat drifted on Utopia’s sea.

A happy dog yelped while playing in the backyard.

The yam yawned while waiting for the yearly feast.

The youth yelled, “Yikes!” as the yellow jacket swooped.

The gigantic monument stood proud in the yard.

The whimsical yak always made young friends laugh.

Yummy yule logs baked in the warm kitchen.

The coyote danced and did a silly yawn.

The ingenious alien crafted a unique outdoor play area.

They stipulated security while playing backyard billiards.

A yellow yolk splattered on the yardstick with ease.

The yeti yelled, “Yahoo!” while skiing down the hill.

You will yearn for those delicious yam fries.

The playful pup played with his yellow frisbee.

Yesterday’s tales of Ulysses were uniquely unforgettable!

Learn how to say the Y sound, and use our animated video flashcards! Tips and tricks on how to make your articulation target sounds!

Whether you are a speech therapist, teacher, or parent, we have tons of free and engaging videos, materials, games, resources,  and interactive activities to target the Y sound!

We offer free Y articulation videos, word lists,  worksheets, downloadables, no-prep materials, virtual games that are compatible with tablets, computers and phones.

We aim to be the world’s largest free supplier of free speech therapy materials!

A lot of our materials and games are open ended so feel free to use them however you see fit.  Whether it is using them with a board game, for drill practice, or using them to help the generalization of the speech sound, we hope they are useful!

Our printable materials include  articulation Scavenger Hunt, Find the Match, Progression Cards, Flashcards, Train Car Activity, Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect Four, Coloring Sheets, Dice, Bingo, Flipbooks, Cariboo Cards, Battleship, and more!

The words selected for our games and activities are high-frequency words that also have your target sound in them!