M / m
The M Sound Monkey, Camel, Home
Age of Mastery:
How to make the “m” sound:
- Bring both of your lips together to stop the airflow.
- Turning on your voice ( voice is the rumbling in your vocal folds. Have your child/client place their hand on their/your neck during the production of “m” and “s”, and have them feel the difference between the two. In the production of “s”, there should be no rumble or voicing. While in the production of “m”/, there should be a rumbling or voicing.)
- Let the air that has been stuck inside your mouth out through your nose!
Tricks and Tips for producing the “m” sound:
- Have the child place their finger on your/their nose while a “m” sound is being produced so they can feel the vibration of the nostrils.
- Have the child breathe in and then out through their nose. Once they have done this a few times, have them close their lips and try making the “m” sound when they are shooting the air out from their nose.
- Have the child place a finger horizontally under your/their nose. They should feel air emitted from the nostrils during the “m” sound. Have them move their finger down horizontally in front of the lips during the “m” production, and if done correctly, they should not feel any air leaking thru the lips.
- Have the child pretend they are at the doctors office and say “ahhhh”. After they have been holding it for awhile, have them close their lips. This should cause the air to be released thru their nostrils creating a “mmmmm” sound.
- Ask/teach the child to hum. This will often stimulate the “m” sound.
- A fun and tasty way to practice is to bring in a tasty treat like ice cream or a lollipop. Every time you take a lick of the treat, you have to say the “mmm” sound! Using an imaginary treat works as well!
Age of Mastery: