The Library Sound Shark, Spaceship, Trash
Age of Mastery:
How to make the “sh” sound:
- Pucker your lips like a little kiss.
- Raise the tip of your tongue towards the top of the mouth (called the hard palate. If your child can produce the “t” sound, tell them they want the tip of their tongue to be a little further back than that)
- Turn off your voice ( voice is the rumbling in your vocal folds. For example, have your child/client place their hand on their/your neck during the production of “sh” and “z”, and have them feel the difference between the two. In the production of “sh”, there should be no rumble or voicing. While in the production of “z”, there should be a rumbling or voicing.)
- Push air out of mouth while your lips are still puckered and your tongue is raised.
Tricks and Tips for producing the “sh” sound:
- A fun and tasty way to teach the child where to put their tongue for a “sh” production is to put some Nutella, peanut butter, sour candy gel, or any other creamy food they enjoy on the target spot(rubbing a sucker on the target spot works too). Once the child has felt the spot a few times, have them try to blow out air while still having the tongue touching the spot.
- Refer to the “sh” sounds as the librarian or the quiet sound. Use the librarian hand gesture of putting one finger in front of their mouths and saying “shhhhhhh”. See who can whisper the “sh” sound the quietest!
Age of Mastery: