The blowing dragon sound
Age of Development:
Note: There are two types of “th” sounds. The voiced “th” (“them) and the voiceless “th” (“thing”). To have the child feel a difference between the two, have them put their hand on their/your throat while saying each of the words above.
We are working on creating an individual page for both the voiced and voiceless “th”.
How to make the “th” sound:
- Place your tongue between your top and bottom teeth.
- If the word has a voiced “th” sound, have the child “turn their motor on” or “make the buzzing noise”
- Blow air out, and it is going to escape between your tongue and teeth.
Tricks and Tips for producing the /b/ sound:
- Tell the child they can stick their tongue out at you, but not too far!
- Next have the child bite down on their tongue, but not too hard!
- Tell the child to take a deep breath in, and then blow out the air like a dragon.
- A fun challenge is to see who can make the longest “th” dragon sound, or see who can make the most dragon sounds in 10 or 30 seconds.
- If the child is either sticking their tongue out too far or not far enough during their “th” attempts, place a lollipop in front of their lips where their tongue should be.(it make take some trial and error to find the perfect spot for them!)
- To visually show the child how we explosively release air from our mouths to produce the “th” sound, hold a piece of string in front of their mouths, and have them try to move the string with the release of air.
- The “th” sound can also be referred to as the flat tire (think of the sound of a tire or ball deflating) sound if the child is more into bikes and cars.
Age of Development:
Th Articulation Videos
Some of our favorite Th articulation videos from the best Speech-Pathologists on Youtube
Video Playlist
1/5 videos

How to Say the Th Sound with The Speech Scoop

Th Sounds with The Peachie Speechie

Tips for the Th with Annmarie

Th Words and Video Cues with YakBackPack

Th Song
Free Downloadable Th Articulation Materials
Th QR Scavenger Hunt
Initial, Medial, Final
QR Codes that show scratch-off style artic cards when scanned

Th Progression Cards
Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister Levels

Th Dice
Initial, Medial, Final
plus adjective and article dice to help expand utterances

Th Flipbook

Th Speech Therapy Activities
Click to hear "th" sounds!

Click all the "Th" bubbles you see!
Syllable Flashcards (Consonant + Vowel)
1 Syllable Initial B Flashcards
Name the Photos!
Typically works best Google Chrome's Browser

Initial Th Minimal Pairs

Try rotating your device sideways if using a tablet or mobile device to see if the layout is better for your device
Final Th Minimal Pairs
Try rotating your device sideways if using a tablet or mobile device to see if the layout is better for your device

Try rotating your device sideways if using a tablet or mobile device to see if the layout is better for your device

Try rotating your device sideways if using a tablet or mobile device to see if the layout is better for your device

I see the

The big

They have a

I see the

The big

They have a

Try rotating your device sideways if using a tablet or mobile device to see if the layout is better for your device

Initial Th Story